February 27
Amar requested reviews for the LF ONAP training course. Ramki, Gildas, and Chris agreed to help. Respond to his email directly if interested in participating.
Parviz reported on the Tiger Team activities and plans leading into Casablanca.
Much of the discussion focused around MEF (specifically, the Legato, Interlude, and Presto reference points).
The team agreed that the External API project would consider Legato and Interlude
There was some discussion around Presto. The team guidance was that this reference point would be between SDN-C and an external SDN controller. It would be a plugin, and would exist alongside other interfaces such as netconf.
This could include the ODL Uni Manager plugin
Implementation will be left to individual project teams
Chris presented the VNFSDK M3 readout.
Vimal requested that the team consider PNFs in the future.
Chris responded that the team needs to get through several items on the backlog first, but we could consider it later.