OOF Beijing M1 Planning Milestone Checklist Template

OOF Beijing M1 Planning Milestone Checklist Template


This checklist is expected to be completed for the project to pass the M1 Release Planning Milestone.

M1 Release Planning Milestone definition


  1. Use the "Copy" and "Move" options (available under the ..., top right of this page) to duplicate this template into your project wiki.

  2. Fill out the Yes/No column

  3. Provide link to evidence (when necessary)

Practice Area



Evidence - Comment

How to?

Practice Area



Evidence - Comment

How to?

Product Management

Are Product Backlog Epics entered in Jira?


Getting issues...

Create a Backlog item

Difference between a Product and Sprint Backlog

Are Product Backlog Stories entered in Jira?


Getting issues...

Create a Backlog item

Are Product Backlog Stories linked to Product Backlog Epics?



Work in a Sprint

Are Product Backlog Stories prioritized?


Prioritize a Backlog item

Is the project team ready to estimate the top Stories (for coming Sprint) in Product backlog?


Estimate a Backlog item

Is the project team ready to create a 2 weeks Sprint in Jira?


Create a Sprint

Are Team Members willing to create Tasks and associate them with Stories in Jira?


Create a Backlog item

Has the project team plan to contribute to Platform Maturity Improvement?


OOF Beijing M1 Release Planning#PlatformMaturity

Release Management

Is there a Release Planning Template available and completed in wiki?

OOF Beijing M1 Release Planning

Have all the "Release Components Name" been defined in Resources and Repositories (Deprecated) for your project? (this includes all Sub-Components Names, Sub-Components Repositories Names, Maven Group ID, Sub-Components Description)


Resources and Repositories (Deprecated)#OptimizationFramework

Have all the "Resources committed to the Release" been defined in Resources and Repositories for your project? This includes First and Last names, LFID, Email Address and Location for PTL, Project Manager, Committers and Contributors.


Resources and Repositories (Deprecated).

Will request the contributors to add their LF ID and email, if not already present.

Have new developers made themself familiar on the Onboarding Process?



Is the project team aware of the Release milestone? Any misses will required TSC exception.


Integration and Testing

Has the Integration Team defined the vendor equipment list?

Not applicable

Has the Integration Team defined the End 2 End Release Test Case?


This is work in progress.


Is the Project Team committed to develop Unit Test?


We will meet or exceed the minimum test coverage requirements for R2

Has the Project Team put in place an Automated Unit Test infrastructure?


This work is in progress. We initiated work on using Python unittest with coverage

Is the Project Team committed to create Continuous System Integration Testing (CSIT) test case?


Is the Project Team committed to perform Scrum ceremonies?


We identified five sprints (with the last sprint shortened by a day to meet the M4 Code Freeze deadline of 2018-03-29. Sprints are 1/22-2/2, 2/5-2/16, 2/19-3/2, 3/5-3/16, and 3/19-3/29

Scrum Overview

Are the Project Team members aware of Continuous Integration Principles (don't break the build, Fix the build,...)?


We will take care to get all members (core and new contributors) be aware of the process. We will ensure build passes before commits from Sprint 2

Continuous Integration

Has the Project Team a clear understanding on the Code Coverage expectations?


While the project is in incubation and seed-code is being on-boarded as a part of Beijing release, we will meet or exceed the R2 requirement of 50% code coverage.

Code Coverage and Static Code Analysis

Does the Project Team understand the Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) process?


We will take care to get all members (core and new contributors) be aware of the process, and will ensure compliance at code/documentation review and commit times.

Free and Open Source Software

Is the Project Team willing to fill out accordingly the FOSS table?


We filled out the license information on the OF sub-page

Fill out sub-pages for each project under Free and Open Source Software

Is the Project Team willing to comply to the Commit Process?


Commit Messages

Does the Project Team understand the purpose of Code Review?


Code Review

Is the Project Team aware of the Coding Guidelines?


OOF/HAS is primarily a Python project. The coding guidelines used in the HAS seed code are in compliance with those used in OpenStack. The OSDF code is compliant with PEP8 style. During R2, we will work towards standardizing the coding guidelines (and try to coordinate with other Python projects to develop and/or comply with ONAP Python coding guidelines)

Development Practices (Jave Coding Style)