Multi VIM/Cloud Documents

Multi VIM/Cloud Documents

MultiCloud Doc on readthedocs

This page is uased to publish the materials/documents reviewed by the Multi VIM/Cloud team with aggreement.

Please refer here for the chart presented and discussed on Architecture Subcommittee meeting on July.18, 2017.

Please refer here for the chart presented and discussed on Architecture Subcommittee meeting on Aug.16, 2017.

Please refer here for the fake proxy demo  on september.8, 2017.

Please refer this link for the R2 Planning discussion at Santa Clara on Dec.12, 2017.

Please refer to this link for MultiVIM Data Model on Feb 26, 2018.


HPA Demo.txt





Recap Video 1: Design cFW Service

Recap Video 2: Register WRCP as a cloud-region

Recap Video 3: Instantiate cFW Service