MultiCloud CICD practices

MultiCloud CICD practices

Self Releasing process

Self Releases Workflow (Nexus2)

1, ensure your jjb will build and push the appropriate docker image to nexus3.onap.org , e.g. https://gerrit.onap.org/r/c/multicloud/openstack/+/103211

2, ensure jjb has executed recently, if not , you can trigger it by replying message ‘stage-release’ to one of patch to multicloud/k8s over gerrit.onap.org , example: https://gerrit.onap.org/r/c/multicloud/openstack/+/104344 , then wait and locate the jjb execution record under the message from the gerrit.onap.org, e.g. https://jenkins.onap.org/job/multicloud-openstack-maven-docker-stage-master/310/
Bin Yang
Patch Set 1:


Apr 02 4:45 PM
ONAP Jobbuilder
Patch Set 1:

Build Successful

https://jenkins.onap.org/job/multicloud-openstack-maven-docker-stage-master/310/ : SUCCESS

Logs: https://logs.onap.org/production/vex-yul-ecomp-jenkins-1/multicloud-openstack-maven-docker-stage-master/310

https://jenkins.onap.org/job/multicloud-openstack-maven-stage-master/381/ : SUCCESS

Logs: https://logs.onap.org/production/vex-yul-ecomp-jenkins-1/multicloud-openstack-maven-stage-master/381

3, you should be able to find out following info from the Jenkins jjb page:

Success Build #310 (Apr 2, 2020 8:49:51 AM)
Build logs: https://logs.onap.org/production/vex-yul-ecomp-jenkins-1/multicloud-openstack-maven-docker-stage-master/310
No changes.

Triggered by Gerrit: https://gerrit.onap.org/r/c/multicloud/openstack/+/104344

Other triggered builds for this event.
multicloud-openstack-maven-stage-master #381

This run spent:

3 min 53 sec waiting;
21 min build duration;
25 min total from scheduled to completion.
Revision: 4317682484a28f10d4590ae9569715dd46f181b3

4, create container yaml for releasing the docker image: e.g. https://gerrit.onap.org/r/c/multicloud/openstack/+/104966

One verified, merge it and the docker image releasing jjb will be triggered:

ONAP Jobbuilder
Patch Set 2:

Build Successful

https://jenkins.onap.org/job/multicloud-openstack-release-merge/12/ : SUCCESS