Integration Test Working session (weekday): UTC 17:00 / Eastern 13:00 / Pacific 10:00 daily @ before RC2

Use CaseLabResponsibleStatusUse Case Details Testing StatusQuick Notes
1vFW / vDNS

Intel / Windriver

vFW / vDNS

Passed on boarding and instantiation. vFW Closed Loop passed on staging. vFWCL has been fully automated and now runs as part of daily deployment tests.

SDNC Preload - PASS

VID Preload - PASS    - See VID Preload Upload Option Steps


vCPE Integration Test Case

Intel / Windriver

vCPE Integration Test Status

Onboarded 5 HEAT templates for infra, vbrg, vbng, vgmux and vgw, and created 5 VNFs.

Finished services creation and distribution

Infra, vBRG, vBNG, vGMUX have instantiated with manually insert the entries in SO table

vCPE vGW Instantiated

Static Route from SDNC to vBNG is done

Network Path Confirmation: confirmed

Closed Loop Test: WIP 


vCPE with TOSCA VNF Test Case


Yan Yang

Yang Xu (liaison)

vCPE with TOSCA VNF Integration Test Status

Redeployed ONAP due to resource limitation, restarting design time testing: DONE

BMPN docker cannot come up (maybe its own env issue since they don't have a new full images)


5G - Real Time PM and High Volume Stream Data Collection - Integration Test Status


5G - Real Time PM and High Volume Stream Data Collection - Integration Test Status

It has been passed the test at Nokia lab. All pairwise testing has done at Windriver lab. End to end testing has done with staging. Will re-test with release when it is ready.


5G - PNF PnP - Integration Test Status



5G - PNF PnP - Integration Test Status

We were able to run whole flow, but we found out new issue. SO communicate with PRH using wrong topic.

Bug  is raised. Fix planned to be delivered 11/9 EOD


5G - Bulk PM - Test Status


It has passed the tests at Ericsson lab

5G - OOF and PCI - Integration Test Cases

Rutgers Winlab ONAP Wireless Lab (OWL)

5G - OOF and PCI - Integration Test Cases

OOF-SDNR pairwise test completed. All other test cases are for POC only. Please see POC Test aspects. New software modules being installed in Rutgers OWL lab. Upgraded ONAP from Beijing to Casablanca. Doing PoC with Casablanca code from Policy, OOF.

Latest: Paring wise testing with OOF is completed. Other is waiting for the full installation with OOM in testing lab with Casablanca.


5G - PNF Software Upgrade - Integration Test Cases

Intel / Windriver

It has been passed the test at Huawei lab. Re-testing it at Windriver lab.

Scale Out - Integration Test Cases and Status

Intel / Windriver

Scale Out - Integration Test Cases and Status

All the test cases have been successfully tested in Integration-SB-04

There is still some non-blocking testing that must be done to show the test case works using SDNC as the VNF Controller

Detailed status may be found on the Scale Out Tracking Page

10CCVPN Integration Test CasesCMCC

Yan Yang

Yang Xu (liaison)

2 weeks ???

CCVPN -Test StatusDemoed at ONS Europe. The optical equipment has delivered to CMCC, and they are manually testing the optical equipment.

Deploy ONAP using OOM  basically completed: DONE

Huawei sotn manual testing have completed

ZTE sotn manual testing has finished

Finished resource design (resource template import) and service design

(set a meeting with them tonight)


VFW HPA Testing

(Test Plan 1 in

HPA & Cloud Agnostic Intent - R3 Test Plan)
Intel / Windriver

2 weeks ??

vFW with HPA Integration Test - Test Status

The testing has been started at Intel, and start testing at SB-06 with HPA.

-Timing issues between components & boot order

12Change Management - Flexible Designer & Orchestrator Intel / Windriver

2 weeks ??

Testing in progress on SB-04

1) SO uploading a list of activities/building blocks to SDC - successfully tested

2) Design workflow in SDC and distribute to SO is completed successfully! Thanks to Michael & Priyanshu for resolving issues.

3) Deploy workflow in SO and orchestrate the execution of the workflow - To Do

SME contention

13Change Management - Traffic Management-Intel / Windriver

Lukasz Rajewski

Tomasz Osinski

Testing completed by Orange (Lukasz and Tomek) in SB-07 using vFW

-Must be retested with OOM

14Change Management - 5G PNF in-place software upgradeIntel / Windriver

Testing completed by Huawei (Yaoguang) in Huawei lab using EM and PNF emulator
15Change Management - Schedule optimizationIntel / Windriver

Functional testing completed. E2E testing in Dublin.

Functional testing completed by Jerry in OOM Staging Daily Windriver.