The document describes the step by step procedure to setup E2E network slicing use case demo setup for Guilin.
1. SDC:
ONAP Portal: (Username:cs0008, Password:demo123456!)
SDC UUI:!/dashboard
Refer for Template Design for Option 1 respective template creation and distribution.
2.UUI Configuration:
Configure CST template UUID and Invariant UUID in file of uui-server microservice
In uui-server microservice, modify the following configuration file, /home/UUI/config/
Add or update the parameters slicing.serviceInvariantUuid and parameter slicing.serviceUuid.
The values of these two parameters come from CST template which can be find on SDC page.
3.MSB Configuration
Register so-orchestrationTasks and so-serviceInstances interface to MSB.
Interface registration can be done through portal.
Link: https://{{master server ip}}:30284/iui/microservices/default.html
1.Select ‘’ in the left pane
2. Click 'Service Register' button.
3. Input the basic info as the picture shows(also refer to the registration info provided above)
4. Click Add Host button.
Input IP Address and Port then click the 'SAVE' button. (Use cmd ’kubectl get svc -n onap so‘ to confirm IP and port.)
4. SO:
Copy subnetCapability.json to SO-API Handler pod to configure subnet capabilities at run time.
You can copy the file to the pod using the following command
kubectl cp subnetCapability.json -n onap <so-apih-pod-name>:/app
SO Database Update
Insert ORCHESTRATION_URI into service_recipe, SERVICE_MODEL_UUID replaced by CST.ModelId.
INSERT INTO `catalogdb`.`service_recipe`(`ACTION`, `VERSION_STR`, `DESCRIPTION`, `ORCHESTRATION_URI`, `SERVICE_PARAM_XSD`, `RECIPE_TIMEOUT`, `SERVICE_TIMEOUT_INTERIM`, `SERVICE_MODEL_UUID`) VALUES ('createInstance', '1', 'Custom recipe to create communication service-instance if no custom BPMN flow is found', '/mso/async/services/CreateCommunicationService', NULL, 180, NULL, 'c9252b26-f9cd-4e6c-988c-4d6ff39c6dda'); INSERT INTO `catalogdb`.`service_recipe`(`ACTION`, `VERSION_STR`, `DESCRIPTION`, `ORCHESTRATION_URI`, `SERVICE_PARAM_XSD`, `RECIPE_TIMEOUT`, `SERVICE_TIMEOUT_INTERIM`, `SERVICE_MODEL_UUID`) VALUES ('deleteInstance', '1', 'Custom recipe to delete communication service if no custom BPMN flow is found', '/mso/async/services/DeleteCommunicationService', NULL, 180, NULL, 'c9252b26-f9cd-4e6c-988c-4d6ff39c6dda'); INSERT INTO `catalogdb`.`service_recipe`(`ACTION`, `VERSION_STR`, `DESCRIPTION`, `ORCHESTRATION_URI`, `SERVICE_PARAM_XSD`, `RECIPE_TIMEOUT`, `SERVICE_TIMEOUT_INTERIM`, `SERVICE_MODEL_UUID`) VALUES ('activateInstance', '1.0', 'activate communication service', '/mso/async/services/ActivateCommunicationService', NULL, 180, NULL, 'c9252b26-f9cd-4e6c-988c-4d6ff39c6dda');
Insert ORCHESTRATION_URI into service_recipe, SERVICE_MODEL_UUID is ServiceProfile.ModelId
INSERT INTO `catalogdb`.`service_recipe`(`ACTION`, `VERSION_STR`, `DESCRIPTION`, `ORCHESTRATION_URI`, `SERVICE_PARAM_XSD`, `RECIPE_TIMEOUT`, `SERVICE_TIMEOUT_INTERIM`, `SERVICE_MODEL_UUID`) VALUES ('createInstance', '1', 'Custom recipe to create slice\r\nservice-instance if no custom BPMN flow is found', '/mso/async/services/CreateSliceService', NULL, 180, NULL,'bfca8b32-3404-4e5c-a441-dc42b6823e88'); INSERT INTO `catalogdb`.`service_recipe`(`ACTION`, `VERSION_STR`, `DESCRIPTION`, `ORCHESTRATION_URI`, `SERVICE_PARAM_XSD`, `RECIPE_TIMEOUT`, `SERVICE_TIMEOUT_INTERIM`, `SERVICE_MODEL_UUID`) VALUES ('deleteInstance', '1', 'Custom recipe to create slice\r\nservice-instance if no custom BPMN flow is found', '/mso/async/services/DeleteSliceService', NULL, 180, NULL, 'bfca8b32-3404-4e5c-a441-dc42b6823e88'); INSERT INTO `catalogdb`.`service_recipe`(`ACTION`, `VERSION_STR`, `DESCRIPTION`, `ORCHESTRATION_URI`, `SERVICE_PARAM_XSD`, `RECIPE_TIMEOUT`, `SERVICE_TIMEOUT_INTERIM`, `SERVICE_MODEL_UUID`) VALUES ('activateInstance', '1.0', 'Gr api recipe to activate service-instance', '/mso/async/services/ActivateSliceService', NULL, 180, NULL, 'bfca8b32-3404-4e5c-a441-dc42b6823e88');
5.OOF Configuration
New NST templates can be added in. There is a json file present in the osdf folder, where the nst templates can be added with the corresponding ModelId and ModelInvariantUUID.
The json file is found in the osdf folder in the corresponding path
6. Policy Creation Steps
Refer Optimization Policy Creation Steps for optimization policy creation and deployment steps
Refer Policy Models and Sample policies - NSI selection for sample policies
- The service name given for creating the policy must match with the service name in the request
- The scope fields in the policies should match with the value in the resourceSharingLevel(non-shared/shared). Do modify the policy accordingly.
- Check the case of the attributes with the OOF request with the attribute map (camel to snake and snake to camel) in config/slicing_config.yaml, if any mismatch found modify the attribute map accordingly.
You need to restart the OOF docker container once you updated the slicing_config.yaml, you can do it using the following steps,
- Login to the worker VM where the OOF container is running. You can find the worker node by running (kubectl get pods -n onap -o wide | grep dev-oof)
- Find the container using docker ps | grep optf-osdf
- Restart the container using docker restart <container id>
7.AAI Configuration:
Create customer id :
curl --user AAI:AAI -X PUT -H "X-FromAppId:AAI" -H "X-TransactionId:get_aai_subscr" -H "Accept:application/json" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -k -d '{
}' "https://<worker-vm-ip>:30233/aai/v21/business/customers/customer/5GCustomer"
Create service type:
curl --user AAI:AAI -X PUT -H "X-FromAppId:AAI" -H "X-TransactionId:get_aai_subscr" -H "Accept:application/json" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -k https://<worker-vm-ip>:30233/aai/v21/business/customers/customer/5GCustomer/service-subscriptions/service-subscription/5G
8. Ran-sim Setup steps:
Refer RAN-Sim setup to setup RAN-simulator
Refer RAN-Sim for ransim impacts done for Guilin Release
9. Honeycomb:
Repo URL:
Build Steps:
If there is a new yang model, build the gnbsim-api with new yang model
Step 1: copy the new yang model to ~/ran-sim/hcsim-content/gnbsim/ransim_rannetwork/ransim/gnbsim/gnbsim-api/src/main/yang
Step 2: Go to directory ~/ran-sim/hcsim-content/gnbsim/ransim_rannetwork/ransim/gnbsim/gnbsim-api/
Step 3: Issue the build command "JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.11.0-openjdk-amd64 mvn clean install -Dcheckstyle.skip"
For code changes in gnbsim-impl directory
Step 1: Do necessary code changes in gnbsim-impl
Step 2: Issue the build command "JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.11.0-openjdk-amd64 mvn clean install -Dcheckstyle.skip"
Once the mvn build is done, build the docker image
Step 1: Go to directory ~/ran-sim/hcsim-content/gnbsim/ransim_rannetwork/ransim/gnbsim/gnbsim-distribution/target/gnbsim-distribution-1.19.08-SNAPSHOT-hc/gnbsim-distribution-1.19.08-SNAPSHOT
Step 2: copy the Dockerfile
cp ~/ran-sim/hcsim-content/gnbsim/ransim_rannetwork/ransim/gnbsim/packages/Dockerfile .
Step 3: Do the docker build
docker build -t gnbsim .
Cross check the docker image
docker images | grep gnbsim
To run the Netconf Servers:
Run the below command from ~/gnbsim/ransim_rannetwork/hc directory.
docker-compose up -d
For slicing setup, 12 netconf servers are required. Copy the hc directory 11 more time and rename it.
Change the external port in the docker-compose files for every netconf server.
While running the docker-compose up -d command, these servers will be mounted in SDNC.
Config DB is a spring boot application that works with mariaDB. DB schema details are available at Config DB.
Install config DB application in a separate VM. MariaDB container should be up and running to access the config DB APIs.
Refer for configDB setup.
11. Core NF Simulator Setup
Refer Core NF Simulator setup to setup Core NF Simulator.
12. SDNC:
Install SDNC using OOM charts and the below pods should be running.
helm install sdnc -n dev-sdnc --namespace onap --set global.masterPassword=guilin2021 -f onap/values.yaml
kubectl get pods -n onap | grep sdnc dev-sdnc-0 2/2 Running 0 46d dev-sdnc-ansible-server-6b449f8d8-7mjld 1/1 Running 0 46d dev-sdnc-dbinit-job-mwr8s 0/1 Completed 0 46d dev-sdnc-dgbuilder-86c9cb55bb-svcsh 1/1 Running 0 46d dev-sdnc-dmaap-listener-6bd7fbc64f-dl4ch 1/1 Running 0 46d dev-sdnc-sdnrdb-init-job-824vl 0/1 Completed 0 46d dev-sdnc-ueb-listener-769f74cb4b-wgcw7 1/1 Running 0 46d dev-sdnc-web-5b75c68fd8-zfsn6 1/1 Running 0 46d
Check the below in SDNC pod (dev-sdnc-0).
- Latest (/distribution/odlsli/src/main/properties/ should be available at /opt/onap/ccsdk/data/properties/
- All ranSlice*.json template files (/distribution/platform-logic/restapi-templates/src/main/json) should present at /opt/onap/ccsdk/restapi/templates/
- DG XML files from /distribution/platform-logic/ran-slice-api/src/main/xml should present at /opt/onap/sdnc/svclogic/graphs/ranSliceapi
If SDN-C deletion is unsuccessful due to the leftover residues, use the below commands to delete it completely.
DMAAP Messages:
Refer SDN-R_impacts for Dmaaps messages that can be used as an SDN-R input for RAN slice instantiation, modification, activation, deactivation and termination.
13. VES Collector
VES collector receives the PM data from RAN simulator and posts it in message router.
Sample Fileready notification received from RAN-Simulator:
14. Datafile Collector
Datafile Collector reads the File Ready VES notifications from the message router. It fetches the PM file from the simulator using the FTP/SFTP location in the notification and places it in the data router. PM Mapper reads this PM file (xml format).
Refer DataFile Collector (5G Usecase) for the set up
15. PM Mapper
PM Mapper should be in running state.
This component reads the PM data file(xml) from the data router, generates PM events (json format) and posts the message at the topic This topic is created during the start up of PM-Mapper.
Slice Analysis MS reads the data from this topic and further does the analysis on it.
Refer PM-Mapper (5G Usecase) for PM Mapper set up.
16. Slice Analysis MS
Refer DCAE R7 Slice Analysis MS (Network Slicing Usecase) for Slice Analysis MS set up.
17. Policies for Slice Analysis MS:
Execute these curl requests from any of the running pods.
Policy Creation:
curl -k --silent --user 'healthcheck:zb!XztG34' -X POST "https://policy-api:6969/policy/api/v1/policytypes/onap.policies.controlloop.operational.common.Drools/versions/1.0.0/policies" -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d @modifynssi.json
where modifynssi.json is,
{ "tosca_definitions_version": "tosca_simple_yaml_1_1_0", "topology_template": { "policies": [ { "operational.modifynssi": { "type": "onap.policies.controlloop.operational.common.Drools", "type_version": "1.0.0", "version": "1.0.0", "name": "operational.modifynssi", "metadata": { "policy-id": "operational.modifynssi" }, "properties": { "id": "ControlLoop-Slicing-116d7b00-dbeb-4d03-8719-d0a658fa735b", "timeout": 1200, "abatement": false, "trigger": "unique-policy-id-1-modify-nssi", "operations": [ { "id": "unique-policy-id-1-modify-nssi", "description": "Modify resource allocation for a slice subnet instance", "operation": { "actor": "SO", "operation": "Modify NSSI", "target": { "targetType": "VNF" } }, "timeout": 1200, "retries": 0, "success": "final_success", "failure": "final_failure", "failure_timeout": "final_failure_timeout", "failure_retries": "final_failure_retries", "failure_exception": "final_failure_exception", "failure_guard": "final_failure_guard" } ], "controllerName": "frankfurt" } } } ] } }
To push the policy:
curl --silent -k --user 'healthcheck:zb!XztG34' -X POST "https://policy-pap:6969/policy/pap/v1/pdps/policies" -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d @push_modifynssi.json
where push_modifynssi.json is,
{ "policies": [ { "policy-id": "operational.modifynssi", "policy-version": 1 } ] }