Scratch pad for Casablanca planning. Add unprioritized backlog items and user stories here. We will discuss collectively during VNFSDK team meetings.
Release 3 Mission:
Simplify the process of developing and onboarding VNFs. Expand ONAP's VNF ecosystem through compliance testing.
User Stories
Backlog Items
- Enhance dovetail integration so we can use it in LFN Compliance/Verification testing
- modular marketplace framework to make it easier to plug in tests (maybe configurable per application such as compliance testing, operator-vendor engagement, 3rd party enhancements, etc.)
- Incorporate vnfreqs testable requirements
- Support SDC on boarding tests (maybe allow SDC to replace refrepo portal, but use vnfmarket-be for their own onboarding test engine
- consistent support for HEAT/TOSCA VNFs
- HPA and other carry-over items
Other potential considerations?
- PNF onboarding support
- generic netconf server module for VNFs?
- K8s VNFs?