VNF SDK Casablanca Backlog & User Stories

VNF SDK Casablanca Backlog & User Stories

Scratch pad for Casablanca planning.  Add unprioritized backlog items and user stories here. We will discuss collectively during VNFSDK team meetings.

Release 3 Mission:

Simplify the process of developing and onboarding VNFs. Expand ONAP's VNF ecosystem through compliance testing.


  1. Enhance dovetail integration so we can use it in LFN Compliance/Verification testing – Done, need merge the docker into one.

    1. Improvements to function test for better integration into the framework

    2. VoLTE related VNF come from Huawei to do the LFN?CVC testing. if vCPE folks have enough time, we could do this in R3.

  2. Incorporate vnfreqs testable requirements – implement 14 requirements.

    1. consistent support for HEAT/TOSCA VNFs (as defined in VNFReqs) - may not be 100% common

    2. move test case from pkgtools to validation and implemented by java. – Dublin release.

  3. modular marketplace framework to make it easier to plug in tests (maybe configurable per application such as compliance testing, operator-vendor engagement, 3rd party enhancements, etc.) – Introduce VTP as the VNF test platform.

  4. Support SDC on boarding tests (maybe allow SDC to replace refrepo portal, but use vnfmarket-be for their own onboarding test engine – No

  5. Package data model enhancements (internal and onboarding models?) – waiting Modeling subcommittee decision

  6. VES: multivim enhancements. – Done.(support perf3gpp at end of Nov, will provide the wiki link later)

  7. HPA, SOL-004 certificate, and other carry-over items 

    1. HPA – Done

    2. SOL-004 – already support one option. another option also need sdc support.

User Stories
  • Use VNFSDK for LFN Compliance testing (package syntax testing)

  • Operator uses VNFSDK for vendor engagement/acceptance testing (includes onboarding testing and/or operator-developed tests)

  • 3rd party lab uses VNFSDK for extended VNF testing (may include functional, non-functional, and/or  performance testing - tests developed by 3rd party labs)

Backlog Items

  1. Accept multiple models →translation to ONAP model

  2. Enhancements to meet use cases?

Other potential considerations?

  • PNF onboarding support

  • generic netconf server module for VNFs?

  • K8s VNFs?

  • HEAT→TOSCA migration tool?

  • Image management/distribution (image upload to deploy VNFs)

    • quarantine area

    • separate from what happens after onboarding

    • includes model changes

    • encryption?

  • Data model changes (boot disk, HPA format clarification, (deployment flavor support))

  • Security (discuss with SEC and ARC)

  • Support ONAP extensions in VNF descriptor