The ONAP Data Model implements the IM VirtualNetworkInterfaceRequirements elements as TOSCA capabilities of the type onap.capabilities.NetworkInterface.
This capability characterizes a set of networking infrastructure features, such as a specific chipset for the network interface card. In a sense, this capability type is similar to onap.capabilities.Compute that describes CPU and memory consumed by a VM. Like onap.capabilities.Compute, this capability type is intended to be used primarily as part of a TOSCA requirement clause (of CP nodes). Normally, requirements of this type are never satisfied within the model. They stay “dangling” until instantiation. On instantiation, the orchestrator satisfies them out of the available inventory.
description: |
When used with a requirement, describes networking infrastructure
features required for the node (CP)
derived_from: tosca.capabilities.Container
description: vendor+architecture
type: string
required: false
description: |
Additional features description, serialized in a well-known format.
type: onap.datatypes.json
required: false
See also: onap.nodes.CP