zoom bridge: https://zoom.us/j/283628617
Duration 60 minutes
Duration | Agenda Item | Requested by | Notes / Links |
START RECORDING AntiTrust Message | |||
10mins | Change PTL Call format | Initial feedback from PTLs Focus on
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5mins | Cross-project discussion |
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5mins | Cross-project discussion | Request PTLs to estimate the effort to migrate to the following version as part of their M1 - could be tracked as part of their Release Planning Template
Need to also assess the impacts on the toolchain i.e. JJB jobs using some Python 2 scripts | |
10mins | Subcommittee Updates for PTLs - Security | Security Subcommittee to provide their recommendations for the versioning of common technologies etc.
Security Subcommittee also created additional JIRA Release Management tickets for M1 i.e. Python3 Migration, Java11 Migration ACTION (David): need to check if everything was created for OOM, DCAE, Logging + R6 M1 Planning JIRA Ticket | |
5 mins | Release Improvement | cl664y@att.com | Shall we add back the following wiki page: ACTION (David): Create a new Release Management JIRA ticket per project to track the completion of Release Planning wiki page as part of M1 ACTION (PTL): Review the Release Management Template by next Monday (10/28) |
IF TIME ALLOWS .... | |||
10min | CSIT review | Currently few failing jobs - please direct attention to getting these tests functioning correctly. Useless CSIT test elimination | |
20 mins | El-Alto Release | Project Status: Project Status in El-Alto Release Integration Status: Marco Platania
License Status: ACTION: Remove proprietary notice (CSAR)-DONE and Search guard (CLAMP)-DONE Security Status: Paweł Pawlak -ACTION: Amy Zwarico provide risk assessment from a Security perspective <AMY TO ADD HER PRESENTATION> ACTION (Jonathan): provide guidelines about AAF to SO (Byung) Marketing Highlights:El Alto Release Key Updates El Alto Remaining Milestones
| |
10min | Frankfurt Planning - Focus on the subcommittees | Frankfurt Release Requirements
| |
15min | DockerHub Migration update | cristinapauna | Cross project dependencies onap-discuss message: https://lists.onap.org/g/onap-discuss/topic/dockerhub_migration_and/34447632?p=,,,20,0,0,0::recentpostdate%2Fsticky,,,20,2,0,34447632 wiki: Migration to DockerHub From TSC Chat: "The proposal is to generate the release tag only by the release Jenkins job (now it's also generated by the staging job). I will not be able to join the PTL meeting next week, so I will go to the OOM and CSIT meetings next Wednesday to discuss it. I will come back next week at the TSC meeting with the result." Feedback from OOM: Each helm chart will reference to a specific version of a docker file (=traceability & configuration management purpose). |
5min | LF Infrastructure/Rel process |
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10 mins | Remaining Action Items | PTL Weekly ONAP12, Mon UTC 13:00 | |
15min | ONAP release cadence | Chaker Al-Hakim | Explore release process cadence |
Zoom Chat Log
06:23:41 From Catherine Lefèvre : Team - doing my best to track all the discussions
06:23:54 From Catherine Lefèvre : if I am miscapturing anything then please correct the minutes
06:24:29 From Catherine Lefèvre : the wiki page is https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/PTL+2019-10-21
06:26:27 From Eric Debeau : We also need to evaluate impcat on JJB jobs using some Python 2 scripts
06:49:18 From Catherine Lefèvre : @Bin yang -are u there? can u hear us? you are muted
06:54:44 From Marco Platania (AT&T) : https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/2%3A+El+Alto+Release+Integration+Testing+Status
06:54:54 From Marco Platania (AT&T) : https://docs.onap.org/en/latest/submodules/integration.git/docs/docs_scaleout.html
06:55:25 From Marco Platania (AT&T) : https://gerrit.onap.org/r/gitweb?p=integration.git;a=tree;f=docs;h=56e645979e34d7c7e52dd921f76bc0f5ff8b3f58;hb=refs/heads/elalto
06:56:06 From ONAP Meeting 8 : https://gerrit.onap.org/r/c/appc/+/97276
Action Items
- Amy ZwaricoSend revised text for Python3 requirement for MS1 to David McBride
- David McBride make sure that DCAE, OOM, and Logging projects received M1 JIRA ticket for Frankfurt
- PTLs (ALL) review release planning template and provide feedback on Oct 28 on what should be updated, removed, or added
- David McBride add requirement to M1 to complete release planning template
- Former user (Deleted) Add David McBride as project co-host for CII badging for Frankfurt