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May 1, 2020 through December 31, 2020




CCSDK-based Solution

Project as part of CCSDK ( Yuriy Malakov  )

  • ACTION: Sandeep Shah Presentation of new architecture with CCSDK (Yuriy Malakov ). How much bandwidth/capacity does Sandeep Shah have.
  • ACTION: Development demo & progress (1) ORAN Yang models & data schema not available yet (waiting) & 5G Service Modeling U/C: 3GPP TS28.541/TS28.540. maps to a data structure we want to support. (2) can proceed to Dockerize solution. R4 MariaDB solution. could extend the model. (3) Review work from Ted. waiting for project.
  • ACTION: Give RC0 status - Sandeep Shah on RC0 status. Set up call with Sandeep Shah  2: Frankfurt Release Integration Testing Status  / Frankfurt Release Key Updates
R6 Integration Updates

(Swami) For the CPS requirement in Guilin (REQ-322), we noticed that Reshma/my name is included as Integration Leads. For the impacts related to SON use case, which will be covered as part of the SON use case testing, this is OK for us. However, we are not be able to commit resources at this time for testing additional aspects (if any) – of course, I can still check during the time of testing reg. the feasibility to cover any additional aspects.

(Swami): June 10, 2020:

The Config DB which is the predecessor CPS (or as we knew it earlier) supports CRUD operations – in particular it supports APIs such as the foll. It’s APIs are used by SDN-C (R) to write into it, and by SDN-C (R), OOF and DCAE (SON-Handler MS) to read from it. I am not sure if there is a formal documentation in readthedocs – perhaps Sandeep can confirm.

  • GET /api/sdnc-config-db/v3/getCell/{cellId}
  • GET /api/sdnc-config-db/v3/getCellList/{networkId}/{ts}
  • GET /api/sdnc-config-db/v3/getNbrCellsNetwork/{networkId}
  • GET /api/sdnc-config-db/v3/getNbrList/{cellId}/{ts}
  • GET /api/sdnc-config-db/v3/getPCI/{cellId}/{ts}
  • GET /api/sdnc-config-db/v3/getPnfId/{cellId}/{ts}
  • PUT /api/sdnc-config-db/v3/createNbr/{cellId}
  • PATCH /api/sdnc-config-db/v3/modifyNbrHO/{cellId}/{targetCellId}
  • PATCH /api/sdnc-config-db/v3/modifyPci/{cellId}
  • PATCH /api/sdnc-config-db/v3/modifyPnfId/{cellId}
  • DELETE /api/sdnc-config-db/v3/deleteNbr/{cellId}/{targetCellId}



R6 / R7


Read the Docs

  • ACTION: Update ReadtheDocs - Jira under Integration - invite team for review - invite PTL (Morgan R.) -Gerrit PTL submission +1 from reviewers. committer/Morgan +2 (someone in Integration project will do the Merge)
  • New project → Repo → DOC directory (RST) in that Repo Andreas Geißler  → Signoff for R6 May 2020; M0 for R7. If we are approved by TSC as a new project → create a new Repo

R7 Guilin

Content / requirements

Requests for R7 Requirements are up.

Guilin release - functional requirements proposed list

Timeline -  Sign-off for R6 is May 7. Historically M0 kickoff for R7 is May 7th


  1. R7 Project Proposal (identify PTL, Project proposal, setup repo)
  2. =STEP 0= Initial Database Setup
  3. =STEP 0= (Design time), (Setup DB) Yang Model development ORAN specification Yang Model in line with 3GPP. SQL structure.
  4. =STEP 0= Schema design & API
  5. =STEP 1= CMnotify generated by RanSIM extended (final standard format).
  6. =STEP 1= VES generation, Nokia Simulate DU → simulate VES CMNotify message.
  7. =STEP 1-6= CMNotify (Nokia) Integration Step 2,3,4 with SON work Step 1,5,6
  8. =STEP 5/6= Mapping CMnotify contents into DB
  9. =STEP 5a= New Development for Independent component to get VES off of DMaaP
  10. =STEP 6= API Updates
  11. =STEP 6= Interface to RTCDB (writing DB from SDN-R or RCDB-stand-alone-component)


  • STEP 0: Design time, Setup DB schema & API (Onboarding).
  • STEP 1: xNF (RAN Simulator) GENERATES a VES CMNotify - Wipro SON (R6 Done)
  • STEP 1a: Simulator of VES CMNotify/"Standardsdefined/CM" (Nokia) (R7)
  • STEP 2: DCAE VES Collector RECEIVES the CMNotify (VES) - Nokia (R7)
  • STEP 3: DCAE PROCESSES VES Event- Nokia (R7)
  • STEP 4: DCAE PUBLISHES onto DMaaP - Nokia (R7)  REQ-327 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  • STEP 5: CCSDK (Controller) LISTENS to DMaaP - Sandeep Shah  (R6 Done) → (R7) CCSDK-2392 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  • STEP 5a: RTCDB (stand-alone component) LISTENS to DMaaP (R7 new)
  • STEP 6: RTCfgDB UPDATES DB with info - Sandeep Shah / Techmahindra (R6 Done) → (R7)


STEP 1...6: Initial A&AI setup of DB (the setup of the DB with the initial set of all xNFs a "getall")

STEP 1...6: A&AI Update (e.g. a new xNF is added or deleted)

R7 TopicDescription & Links

Usage of CPS -

OOF/SON/PCI (Cell info)

E2E Network Slicing (Slicing info)

Harmonization (Stnd-Def VES)

Virtual F2F mentioned the CPS project.

Those other use cases have dependency to Use cases.

We need to attend U/C weekly meetings; sync

Guilin (R7) - Use Cases (and Requirements in Use Cases)

Guilin release - functional requirements proposed list

OOF SON interaction REQ-345 - Getting issue details... STATUS

NFR for CCSDK/SDN-C in the Guilin Impact View per Component

Interaction & Dependencies Use Case

Interaction spreadsheet

Sync between these teams.

Joint meeting - Invitee on a particular in the schedule

TSC Project Proposal

Configuration Persistence Service Project

Project Home Pagesample-landingpage Project Home Page
Project Repository

Create Repo: Resources and Repositories (Deprecated)

Process to create Repo. Ticket

Architecture S/C

Architecture Proposal

ONAP Architecture Review process:Project Architectural Review Requirements and Process (Draft) to M1 Project PTLs/Feature Sponsors request a review by email from the chair of the arch subcommittee. The chair of the arch subcommittee creates a JIRA issue for the review and emails a link to the project PTL. The project PTL/Feature Sponsor adds the JIRA issue link to the architecture review JIRA task in the M1 epic, as confirmation that a review has been requested.

R7 Wiki PageConfiguration & Persistency Service R7

For Honolulu REQ-Jira (copied from REQ-322)

Configuration & Persistency Service: (Code Impact)

  • Leverage (Maria DB) as mS CPS to support the logical data model/devise model.
  • Build the data model for real time presentation of 5G network and store the network element data to the CPS database
  • Initialize CPS Database including A&AI setup, database schema setup, with initial values.
  • Receive Config information updates from SDN-R via Netconf and with VES notification.
  • Support all vendor specific Configuration Information Model ( CIM/Yang)
  • Impact: Code Impact
  • Companies Supporting: Ericsson, Nokia, AT&T, WiPro
  • Number Developers/Testers: 7

Email Swami:

PFB comment from TSC for the OOF SON requirement. With reference to resource commitment:

  • Policy: Pam - Shall I indicate AT&T shall cover it, while we subsequently discuss what all enhancements we can do in Guilin timeframe, as well as check reg. some of the aspects where you indicated use case team should contribute (e.g., separate Drools file, which would have to be done by Wipro).
  • SDN-R/CCSDK: Sandeep - Shall I indicate IBM?
  • CPS: Shankar/Ben - Given the Guilin release timeframe, I think we have to go for the simplest option (1) and indicate no impact to CPS, where we only change the yang models, and SDN-R continues to do the mapping. modify CCSDK solution to extend interfaces (OOF/SON/PCI Team updates). R7 Solution of C&PS (evolution "ConfigDB" = C&PS) Hard code information
  • R6 C&PS 1.0 = CCSDK/SDNC solution / R7 C&PS 1.1 = CCSDK/SDNC evolution+MDCPS PoC / R8 C&PS 2.0 = Standalone component
R7 GuiLin Development

CMNotify specification

  • (Watch for): R6 VES 7.1.1 Baselined  (VES Event Reg review) and (VES Event Listener review)
    R7 VES 7.2 review open new updates to the VES listener should include CM VES event. Participate review.
  • ACTION: R7 VES Common Header update to align with 3GPP SA5 (CR) Nokia/ ATT/ Orange/ Ericsson. Presentation for Monday 2PM UTC on Alla's Req S/C call. "ONAP-ORAN Harmonization". Vimal, Marge, Cormac, Damian. Domain "Standards-Defined" NameSpace "3GPP-CM-xxxx"
  • The CCSDK work will be in OOF SON PCI team CCSDK-2392 - Getting issue details... STATUS should be mapped to REQ-345 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  • (Generic Requirement) to consider Non-Real Time RIC Pawel Slowikowski
Model Driven C&PS PoC

Proposal (by Ciaran Johnston et al) as a step of Model Driven ONAP, Model Driven CPS. See slides in the Project Proposal page, and also in the R7 CPS Wiki. 

Question: Graph DB? Answer: type of data from xNF to be hierarchical which would fit in a Graph DB. doesn't have to be that though. Likely to be one or more underlying database technologies. time series.

Question: Model driven CPS, uS on-boarding in CCSDK. If you plan to do modeling work in R7, consensus from Arch S/C. Answer: would need CPS team, modeling, Arch S/C to be aligned. Want something that can be demonstrated/delivered in R7.

Question: Are there dependencies on platform components? Answer: TBD

- Looking at internal sourcing to get development resources. Sync with johnsont

  - Status ready to cut code off of x CC-SDK repo. Ongoing analysis. Resourcing Toine has started, 2 new people will be added in August 1, 2020. Present to Architecture S/C before end of July. Engaged Modeling S/C. Visible Yang modeled to be consumed in ONAP. Modeling work will happen in

TopicPage or Wiki
PoC Poge
PoC Issues, Decisions and AssumptionsIssues page: Issues decisions and assumptions

PoC Jira REQ-384 - Getting issue details... STATUS

PoC Story Jiras

CCSDK CCSDK-2508 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Modeling Jira: MODELING-382 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Time Series management


  • Choice of IT DB (feeds in). Choice of DB to best fit to the use case. Implement TSDB in PostGres or MariaDB, SQL extensions for TS analysis. Issue is how good is the performance. Not as good as specialized Influx DB. Postgres 10 direct it to store TS DB similar to influx. Database derived from postgres. Timescale DB derived from postres.
  • PM Data how to aggregate avg. performance over time. for ML training data or ML model input.
  • Ted Johnson MCX app, RT RIC - Nokia to install influx DB to manage TS.

Model Concept for PoC & presentation

Support for CPS Model Driven PoC R8+

xNF models. Access to CPS DB info.

State Database PoC

Former user (Deleted)  , Olivier Phenix

Bell Canada Leading a PoC related to State management using the CPS project. Communication via Kafka topic (DMaaP).

Question: Are there dependencies on platform components? Answer: TBD

Wiki: in progress

Former user (Deleted) - Listen to Recording from  

Question from s.silvius  - State Management was interesting could we get the basic arch picture and def lines of description? Having references e.g. to A&AI is better solution than planned CPS to copy inventory data ANSWER: We are going to prepare a public page and share with you.

Network Slicing & C&PS

CPS w.r.t. Network Slicing: (Swami)

For the Network Slicing use case, we are still working out the details RAN slicing, and are also in discussion with O-RAN folks. We expect it to take 1-2 weeks to conclude. Once it is fairly clear, we should discuss reg. the CPS impacts for Guilin.

For now, we have created Jira SDNC-1199 for the CPS requirements for this use case. As of now, we may not have resources to commit for implementing the updates in CPS (but still checking), in this scenario, there are 2 alternatives:

  1. The impacts to CPS (which I expect to be persistence & retrieval of some basic RAN slice config related data) can be handled by existing CPS committed resource


  1. The details are stored ‘locally’ in a DB in SDN-C for example. In the next release, it is moved to CPS.

(EMAIL) from Swami  

For Network Slicing use case, for RAN Slicing, we will be needing a minimal set of information elements for initial RAN configuration and network slice-subnet specific configuration. Our current R7 GUILIN proposal is to extend ConfigDB with the required aspects for Guilin release, and once CPS takes off as an official ONAP project in HOLULU R8 H-release, the work can be taken over into CPS.

R8 Honolulu Discussion

Requirement S/C

Presention on July 27th  

R8 TSC /

Project Proposal

Configuration Persistence Service Project

  • ACTION: PERFORMANCE - Open (#@#) open items to get ballpark figures for # API requests.
  • ACTION: TSC Scheduling & Presentation - Represent at the TSC -   (TSC canceled); Tues R6 status; Thursday for general topics . Stakeholders of TSC presocialization Q&A. Schedule pre-review meeting w/ people who asked questions. SCHEDULE MAY 28 TSC 2020-05-28 and scheduled for  JUNE 4 2020 TSC 2020-06-04
  • ACTION: Deadline? - M0/M1 project proposal objective by the TSC.
  • ACTION: Peer Review Process Step #1 - ONAP Projects - Presentation to ARCH S/C


C&PS versions

CPS 1.0 - This is the evolution of ConfigDB in the CC-SDK / SDN-C. this solution was initially coded in R3 for the OOF/SON/PCI Use Case and was referred to as "ConfigDB" using a MariaDB ITDM solution. Because in R7 GuiLin planning, there is some clarity needed to identify the different tracks of development, the notation is introduced here, "CPS 1.0" to allow people to have a common "language" to refer to a body of work. This was done in the R6 time frame.

CPS 1.1 - This is the continuation of the CPS 1.0 solution (see above). Updates will involve schema and interface changes for additional data supported in the CPS database. This will be introduced in the R7 Guilin time frame. Thus, when someone refers to CPS, in the R7 time frame they are referring to the CPS 1.1 solution. Additionally, there are two CPS related PoC going on the Model-Driven CPS and State Management PoC (Bell Canada) and when referring to R7 CPS, work done in these PoC are also included.

CPS 2.0 - CPS 2.0 is the stand-alone project. In R8 Honolulu, the goal is to have CPS become its own stand-alone project. Thus, a presentation to the Architecture S/C and TSC will be made again to petition for a stand-alone project.


DateZoom RecordingAudio Only








TSC Answers










VDDF C&PS Overview


















CPS ONAP PlugFest 28 Sep 2020 .mp4


















TSC Answer Discussion

Architecture S/C presentations


Bell Canada & State Management

5G Service Modeling & CPS -

TSC Answers/Response

Michela - introduction of Cell Model 


TSC Answers discussion

Amar Kapadia in ONAP R6 Solution Brief


Model Driven architecture PoC

TSC Answers discussion (finished)


TSC - Agenda

POC - Model Driven


M0 for R7



Benjamin Cheung 

marcin krasowski  Pawel Slowikowski  (Samsung / NonRT RIC / A1 policy mgr)

Tony Finnerty   Toine Siebelink  N.K. Shankar  Michela Bevilacqua  Ciaran Johnston  gasparini24   Swaminathan S. Zu Qiang s.silvius  Fred Feisullin Joanne Liu Rudel

Joint OOF SON PCI discussion

TSC Q&A (pre-review)

REQ-322 - Getting issue details... STATUS (M0)

Ciaran's proposal for PoC R7 > R8 Project Prop



TSC 2020-06-11




Benjamin Cheung  William Reehil  James Forsyth  Marge Hillis Linda Horn Fred Feisullin Vivian Pressley  Scott Blandford  Zu Qiang  Andy Mayer  Joanne Liu Rudel  Ryan Hallahan 

Inventory Migration Use Case



M0 Milestone REQ


Ted - Steaming Time Series Temporal Database Management (TSDB)

Tony - MD C&PS PoC


LF Virtual DDF - C&PS overview


LF Virtual DDF - MD PoC Presentation


Ted - Steaming Time Series Temporal Database Management (TSDB)

Tony - MD C&PS PoC


PoC status

Resourcing of PoC

Decision and analysis process (using confluence)

PoC Jira items

PoC Architecture Options - (refine present Jul 10)


R7 Resourcing/Staffing/CompImp/ Jira


PoC Architecture Options


M1 Topics / ACTION: Swami for NFR

Table in Wiki

PoC Architecture Issues List

  • Interface-style and
  • Data Representation


R8 M0 ( ) → request to move to  

R7 M1 (Passed )

Architecture S/C Presentation PoC, component description

Decisions (done) for Interface style & Data representation, data Lake


Non-Real time RIC and C&PS Pawel Slowikowski  (ML TS data, filter data, svc topology) C&PS external API. accessing inventory/topology info (A&AI). PM yang or json.

R7 M2

Architecture S/C presentation - component description

PoC architecture issues & decisions.


Jacqueline Beaulac [Ericsson] C&PS Modeling

Rishi intro


5G Svc Modeling U/C

Continuing C&PS Modeling

PoC architecture issues & decisions

R8 Presentation (Req S/C), CPS PoC Arch S/C


Requirements S/C - (Alla Goldner's) C&PS R8 Honolulu 10 EST USA (2PM UTC)Honolulu release - functional requirements proposed list


Architecture SubCommittee Presentation for C&PS PoC2020-08-18 ONAP Architecture Meeting


New Member Niamh Core ("Neeve")

5G Service Modeling & CPS Modeling

Yang Parser


Issues decisions and assumptions

Yang Parser

PYang presentation ( johnsont )

Container Lists Leaf Leaflets


M4 Status for REQ-322

Transaction Behavior


Registry Service Operation


Registry Service Operation

Yang Parser (Agreed)

PoC Status (Nordix WebSvc Code model)

Plugfest → ACTION

C&PS → E2E NS (RegSvc), PCI (RegSvc)

C&PS → A&AI (MD CPS) (lower pri)

Project Proposal → TSC → DATE Oct


Portal Page → Project Proposal → Arch S/C




4PM UTC (12:00 Noon USA EDT) / 20 min

5 min context (Tony Finnerty ), 5 min C&PS overview (Benjamin Cheung ), 5 min PoC ( Toine Siebelink ), 5 min Q&A

ACTION: LINK / Register in O-RAN

Ericsson Plugfest-2 CPSPresentation.pptx


Preparation for TSC Slides

Benjamin Cheung  Tony Finnerty  Melanie Sater  Fred feisullin  Jacqueline Beaulac [Ericsson]


(ORAN Plugfest Event) 

Use Case Realization Call: Sep 2 2020

CPS ONAP PlugFest 28 Sep 2020 .mp4



Intros (Carlos / Architect Nokia, Aditya / Bell Ca & Bruno Policy team Est , Krystian Samsung U/Cs SDC OOM) 

PTL Vote (Sent) - Toine Siebelink  will be the C&PS PTL

Voting Best Practices

Annual Community Elections - Process#PTLElections

ACTION: Toine will investigate

ONAP Project and Component Lifecycle


REQ-1 - Getting issue details... STATUS


Intros: Phillipe Leger (Bell, State DB project), Joachim (SamSung)

PTL Elections (current PTL executes vote, commiters +2)

R8 Page / 5G U/C

Review Slides for vDDF





(USE CASES) E2E NS (Registry Svc, Align, Boost), SON (RegSvc)

(USE CASES) A&AI (MD CPS) (lower pri)

Interface (Niamh Core ) CCSDK-2870 DP: CPS REST API Documentation - PROPOSAL

PTL Elections (current PTL executes vote, commiters +2)

Independent Component (TSC) - tool in place repo / TSC 2020-10-22

Repo Request -

Modeling (Jacqueline Beaulac [Ericsson] ) Calendar:



  • Toine Siebelink (recognized as PTL)
  • CPS (officially recognized as a stand-alone project)


CPS Concepts 

OOF SON TEAM - Joint Discussion with OOF SON Team

  • Querying with XPaths, Wild Cards
  • Schemas
  • Yang Models for SON OOF, ODL Path downloads Yang render to REST Conf API. DevMount (see APIs).
  • Get/Put/Delete/Post, Patch API. IETF RFCs.
  • R8 goals w/ OOF/SON & CPS


R7 Marketing Release

R8 CPS Page


  • Continued discussion on XPath & API
  • DCAE / Data Exposure Service DES (new R7 Microservice ) - Fetch data send REST query make use of templates, aggregation present to user. abstracts data layer for performance and data.
  • DES & CPS - Maybe CPS could follow a similar approach to DCAE/DES. SQL templates. Possible S/W sharing? A CPS user (model/yang) driven. To do a query, the consuming mS composes an XPath (composite) query. To abstract the query, the mS could help. q.v. a query mS maps to XPath queries & presents.
  • DCAE DES - Will be presented at DCAE Call. Developed by Chinamobile team as part of KPI monitoring functionality.
  • DCAE DES - will be used for both OOF SON & E2E Network Slicing (U/C mtg Mondays)
  • DCAE DES & PM - Templates for PMs. KPI monitoring. #1 aggregate & store-fetch data & SQL query > #2 calculate, KPI, policy > #3 present to user. PMmapper. RT Data > computation. Not yet done. Generic formula. Config policy loaded. PMmapper filtering vs normalizing. Raw PM Counter Data (3GPP & VS PM) → KPIs. Network slicing team is working on this.
  • DCAE DES w/ External DBs - Can plug in external DBs? Starts with simple MongoDB. SQL templates. Presto SQL Query engine.
  • Store & Reexecute previous queries.


Extending Meeting / Development Items

  • Development oriented topics - Coding, Jira, Debugs, SW development
  • Extending the meeting afterwards (13:00 UTC to 14:30 UTC)
  • 1/2 extension, we can always end early
  • Milestone checklists Guilin Milestone Status

R8 Impact View / Component

  • CPS Page rehomed.
  • CPS in the "Approved projects" tree / Component Jira.
  • Talk to David McBride - CPS should be on the IV/C.
  • Own Project in JIRA. When creating a JIRA.

OOF SON TEAM - Joint Discussion with OOF SON Team

CPS XPaths

  • Querying with XPaths, Wild Cards. Result? REST API Json objects. Additional XML parsers needed? Is this the only way to Query structures?




R8 Honolulu Release



Use Case Realization Call

Presenting CPS & API & CPS "Core concepts"

Use Case Realization Meeting Register MoM



  • Status update
  • Kanban Dashboard
  • Components / Repos (Dependencies, CI)

SON Normalization

  • vendor proprietary vs standardized, specific attributes, SON algorithm
  • sequence flow diagram - (1) add descriptions to numbers, (2) missing steps in R8), (3) missing model loading to CPS, (4) would be nice to have a ladder flow-diagram
  • Needed: Examples of XPath Queries
  • Do a PoC of the Normalization.
  • Slides for SON normalization: SON_Normalization.pptx

E2E NETWORKING SLICING - Joint Discussion with E2E Network Slicing Team

  • Discussion with E2E Network Slicing
  • Swagger API for configDB (CCSDK) off E2E NS page, Query & Update.
  • Java API XPath is a single string.
  • Config DB#APIDocumentation





CPS presentation at Architecture Sub-committee


Software Project Status

SON OOF Discussion

  • Network Models, Overlapping models/functions.
  • Prioritizing models
  • Round trip SON update from xNF how represented in CPS. Latency between & visibility in CPS. (Xpath Pending)
  • Needed: Examples of XPath Queries (pending on models to be used). APIs to be focused on.


  • Architecture Reference Diagram
  • Architecture Presentation (what's left to present on  )

Use Case Realization Call / 5G

  • Modeling
  • Updating models, Yang; backwards compatibility
  • CPS - vendor supplied models in Design time rep used to desc. data avail in runtime.

Release R7/R8

  • R7: REQ-322 - Getting issue details... STATUS and (PoC): REQ-384 - Getting issue details... STATUS .
  • Modeling Jira MODELING-382 - Getting issue details... STATUS has been moved to R8
  • What should block what? "Depends on relationship"
  • R8 Release info & Status. Linked REQ-427 - Getting issue details... STATUS with REQ-429 - Getting issue details... STATUS

E2E NETWORKING SLICING - Joint Discussion with E2E Network Slicing Team

  • Discussion with E2E Network Slicing
  • Monday E2E, ORAN OSC sync E2E (Thur)


Software Project Status


  • Mapper Service sits on top of CPS REST Service.
  • Presented from krishna moorthy  
  • VES 7.2 - VES 7.2
  • missing identity of source of the event in API. to associate the cell w/ xNF for instance. Storing native data vs entire network view.
  • SLIDES:  cps_mapper_service.pptx


Software Status

CPS Mapper Service

  • Presented from krishna moorthy
  • Discussion of Mapper Service
  • CPS engage Slice Teams (Mon slicing weekly)

Release R8



(TBD) Modeling Discussion

Jacqueline Beaulac [Ericsson]


what was done (Ted J.),  Deep Dive on Proposal; API I/F.

(TBD) Joint Discussion with ONAP-ORAN Harmonization Team

(TBD) Joint Discussion with A1 Policy Extensions

  • No labels