SO State Diagram

SO State Diagram

State Diagram

Flow Description









  • Initializing state of the state diagram


Wait for Inputs

  • Initial state if the state diagram


Process service creation

  • In this state, upon reception of service creation request, request validation will be done and based on the validation result proceed to next state.


Handle Success/Failure response

  • If request validation is success, then send the sync success response to UUI and decompose the service template.

  • If request validation is failure, then send the failure sync response to UUI and wait for other requests from UUI.


Resource validation

  • Upon completion of service decomposition, the resources such as uni, enni and inter-domain link will be validated by querying AAI.

  • In the case of multiple request hadling scenario, upon reception of the service creation request- SO to validate the resource with AAI.

  • If the resources are allotted, then send the failure response to UUI with valid reason.


Handle succes/failure resource validation

  • If resource validation is success, then post the request to DMaap and wait for sync response.

  • If resource validation is failure, then send the failure response to UUI with reason "Resources with <Ids> are not available."


Handle success/failure sync response from SDNC

  • Upon reception of success sync response from SDN-C for the creation request, SO to update the service instance orchestration-status = creating in AAI, inter-domain link status = ALLOTTED.

  • Upon reception of failure sync response from SDN-C for the creation request, SO to delete the service instance in AAI and update the operation status in request DB as FAILED. Then send the failure response to UUI with valid reason.


Handle Async success/failure response from SDNC

  • Upon reception of success async response from SDNC within timeout, then SO to send the success response with valid message to UUI and update the orchestration-status as active, inter-domina link status as allotted. operation_status in requestDB as COMPLETED.

  • Upon reception of failure async response from SDNC within timeout, SO to send failure response to UUi with valid failure reason and delete service inatnce in AAI, delete inter-domain link in AAI and update the operation status in request DB as FAILED.

  • When response is not recieved within timeout, then SO to send failure response to UUI with valid reason as "Timedout error"


process service deletion request

  • Upon reception of delet service request, SO to validate the resources with AAI.

  • Based on the respurces availability, proceed from 6 to 8.


Receive async response from SDNC after timeout expires

  • Upon reception of Async response from SDNC after timeout, send the delete request to SDNC.

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