DCAE R9 M2 Release Planning
Project Name | Enter the name of the project |
Target Release Name | Istanbul |
Project Lifecycle State | Mature. Refer to ONAP Charter, section 3.3 Project Lifecycle for further information |
Participating Company | AT&T, Nokia, Ericsson, Wipro, Samsung, Huawei |
What is this release trying to address?
Release Focus
DCAE Focus for R9 is on following
- Progress on DCAE Architecture transformation to migrate to Helm
- Common Template Enhancement
- CMPv2 Certificate
- Policy Sidecar
- PG credentials management through K8S secret
- ConfigMap Support
- DMaap Config Support (dynamic)
- Helm charts migration for all other DCAE services
- Bulk PM flow - DataFile, PM-Mapper, PMSH
- E2E Slicing - KPI-MS, Slice-Analysis, DL Handlers (Feeder, Admin, DES)
- Son-Handler, Heartbeat, VES-Mapper, RESTCOnf, SNMPTrap, BBS-Ep
- Remove Consul dependency - application config standardization for Helm deployed components (Prototype for VES/HV-VES)
- Helm charts generation through MOD (POC)
- ONAP Internal Helm Registry support
- Common Template Enhancement
- TSC/SECCOM Global requirements
- Reducing DCAE backlogs + security fixes
Istanbul Usecases with DCAE impact
REQ# | DCAE Commit Status | DCAE Impact Assessment | DCAE JIRA # |
Commitment from WIPRO, China Mobile | ||
REQ-720 - 5G SON use case enhancements for Istanbul release | YES | SON-Handler Enhancements (CPS integration and VES alignment) Commitment from WIPRO |
Istanbul Features with DCAE Impact
REQ# | DCAE Commit Status | DCAE Impact Assessment | DCAE JIRA # |
TBC | CertService client integration (replacing init container) + auto certificate reload via SDK Commitment from Nokia |
Istanbul Spec with DCAE Impact
REQ# | DCAE Commit Status | DCAE Impact Assessment | DCAE JIRA # |
REQ-715 - Bulk PM / PM Data Control Improvements | YES | PMSH enhancement for dynamic filter/subscription change + API enhancements Commitment from Ericsson | |
DCAEGEN2-2703 Add stndDefined domain to HV-VES | YES | Add stndDefined support in HV-VES Commitment from Nokia | DCAEGEN2-2703 |
DCAEGEN2-1483 - VESCollector synchronous handling (Backlog) | YES | VESCollector Enhancements – Event publish order issue Commitment from Nokia | |
DCAEGEN2-2668 - MOD Enhancements (Backlog) | Stretch | Address backlog items identified from previous release (Catalog/authservice/UI)
Istanbul POC (DCAE impact)
REQ# | DCAE Commit Status | DCAE Impact Assessment | DCAE JIRA # |
REQ-685 - DCAE Transformation to support Helm (Phase2) | YES |
Commitment from AT&T, Nokia, Ericsson, Wipro, Independent, Orange/Samsung (OOM) |
Best Practices/GLOBAL Requirements
REQ# | DCAE Commit Status | DCAE Impact Assesment | DCAE JIRA # |
REQ-443 - CONTINUATION OF CII BADGING SCORE IMPROVEMENTS FOR SILVER LEVEL | YES | Sonar security fixes (RESTConf) CII badging score improvement | DCAEGEN2-2829 |
REQ-439 - CONTINUATION OF PACKAGES UPGRADES IN DIRECT DEPENDENCIES | YES | Tcagen2, DFC, RESTConf, MOD-runtimeAPI, Mapper, PM-Mapper, PRH, SON-Handler, KPI-Computation MS, Slice-Analysis MS | DCAEGEN2-2768 |
REQ-437 - COMPLETION OF PYTHON LANGUAGE UPDATE (v2.7 → v3.8) | YES | HealthCheck container | DCAEGEN2-2737 |
Exception will be filed with SECCOM for waivers due to upstream (NIFi) dependency | |
REQ-432 - IPv4/IPv6 dual stack support in ONAP | YES | Enhance ONAP common-service template - add IPv4/IPv6 support Commitment from Nokia | OOM-2749 |
Note: The above commitment is consistent with Istanbul Impact View per Component (as of 06/09/2021)
Platform Maturity
Platform Maturity (i.e., S3P items) Istanbul Release Platform Maturity
Green color → Target level ( details see Platform Maturity below)
- Performance: Level 1
- Stability: Level 2
- Resiliency: Level 2
- Security: Level 1+
- Scalability: Level 1
- Manageability: Level 1+
- Usability: Level 1+
Minimum Viable Product
As DCAE transformation is underway, two different deployment options will be available. The MVP of DCAE will vary based on deployment choice and will include the necessary subcomponents supporting the primary objectives: meeting platform maturity goals and supporting the use cases.
Helm Deployment (dcaegen2-services)
- VESCollector
- TCA-gen2
Helm/Cloudify Deployment (dcaegen2)
- Cloudify Manager
- Consul (deployed/managed by OOM)
- DeploymentHander
- Policy-Handler
- ServiceChangeHandler
- Inventory-API
- Postgres
- ConfigBinding Service
- Dashboard
DCAE Service specific components
- VESCollector
- TCA-gen2
DCAE-MOD deployment is optional and will include following component (controlled via helm chart configuration under OOM)
- Genprocessor
- Distributorapi
- Runtimeapi
- Onboardingapi
List the functionalities that this release is committing to deliver by providing a link to JIRA Epics and Stories. In the JIRA Priority field, specify the priority (either High, Medium, Low). The priority will be used in case de-scoping is required. Don't assign High priority to all functionalities.
Longer term roadmap
Complete DCAE transformation initatives and backlog items.
- DCAE MOD: Support for Helm flow (onboarding and chart generation*)
- DCAE/OOM: Remove consul dependency after all DCAE service are migrated to the latest SDK
- Policy/CLAMP: Continue integration for Control Loop design for Helm-based deployment of DCAE Services*
- DCAE: Chart migration from OOM repo to DCAE & ONAP CI/CD integration for helm chart builds
- Integration: Robot test suites migration to support helm services*
- DCAE: Archive Cloudify and associated handlers/plugins and disable under ONAP deployment
Release Deliverables
Indicate the outcome (Executable, Source Code, Library, API description, Tool, Documentation, Release Note...) of this release.
Deliverable Name | Deliverable Description |
Component spec | All ms added into DCAE should provide meta data representation of the component itself; will be used to generate design flow under MOD and enable blueprint generation |
blueprints | Executable/SourceCode |
plugins | SourceCode and wagon files under nexus/raw |
deployment-handler | SourceCode/Docker image |
servicechange-handler | SourceCode/Docker image |
inventory-api | SourceCode/Docker image |
policy-handler | SourceCode/Docker image |
configbinding | SourceCode/Docker image |
ves | SourceCode/Docker image/blueprint/helm charts |
hv-ves-collector | SourceCode/jar/Docker image/blueprint/helm charts |
prh | SourceCode/jar/Docker image/blueprint/helm charts |
dcae-mod | SourceCode/jar/Docker image/Documentation |
tca-gen2 | SourceCode/jar/Docker image/blueprint/helm charts |
Note: Only default platform components and bootstrapped MS is listed on table above. DCAE also include dynamic service components deployed based on usecases. For a complete set of available DCAE MS - refer https://docs.onap.org/projects/onap-dcaegen2/en/latest/sections/release-notes.html#deliverables
List all sub-components part of this release. Activities related to sub-components must be in sync with the overall release.
Sub-components are repositories and are consolidated in a single centralized place. Edit the Resources and Repositories (Deprecated) in the centralized page.
ONAP Dependencies
List the other ONAP projects you depend on.
DCAE depends on the the following components as part of the general ONAP architecture:
- AAI: DCAE MS retrieves and updates VNF data from/to AAI
- DMaaP: Message bus for communication with other components in the solution
- Policy/CLAMP - Policy - For managing application configuration policy. CLAMP - For CL flow related MS instantiation and configuration
- OOF - For SON handler support
High level architecture diagram
At that stage within the Release, the team is expected to provide more Architecture details describing how the functional modules are interacting.
Indicate where your project fit within the Amsterdam architecture diagram_1.0.0.pptx.
Block and sequence diagrams showing relation within the project as well as relation with external components are expected.
Anyone reading this section should have a good understanding of all the interacting modules.
Target Architecture (REQ-685)
Platform Maturity
Istanbul Release Platform Maturity
Refering to 2017-06-28 CII badging for ONAP.pptx and Platform Maturity Requirements (aka Carrier Grade), fill out the table below by indicating the actual level , the targeted level for the current release and the evidences on how you plan to achieve the targeted level.
Area | Actual Level | Targeted Level for current Release | How, Evidences | Comments |
Performance | 1 | 1 |
| |
Stability | 2 | 2 |
| |
Resiliency | 2 | 2 |
| |
Security | 1 | 1+ |
| |
Scalability | 1 | 1 |
| |
Manageability | 1 | 1+ (Except logging, all other requirements are met) |
| |
Usability | 1 | 1+ |
API Incoming Dependencies
List the API this project is expecting from other projects. Prior to Release Planning review, Team Leads must agreed on the date by which the API will be fully defined. The API Delivery date must not be later than the release API Freeze date.
Prior to the delivery date, it is a good practice to organize an API review with the API consumers.
API Name | API Description | API Definition Date | API Delivery date | API Definition link (i.e.swagger) |
SDC model distribution API | API for retrieving TOSCA model of close loop | Currently Available | Currently Available | Link toward the detailed API description |
Policy Engine | API for retrieving configuration policy updates | Currently Available | Currently Available | NA |
Policy (PDP) | API to push DCAE MS configuration/policy models | Currently Available | Currently Available | |
A&AI | API invoked for information enhancements | Currently Available | Currently Available | |
DMaaP Message Router | API for topic publish / subscribe | Currently Available | Currently Available | |
DMaaP Bus Controller | DMaaP Bus Controller is a part of DMaaP that provides topic provisioning; this is the API for topic provisioning. | Currently Available | Currently Available | |
OOF | PCI Optimization API http://{OOF-host}:{port}/api/oof/v1/pci http://{pcims-host}:{port}/callbackUrl Call back URL for SON-MS (to provide PCI optimization results) | Currently Available | Currently Available | |
ConfigDB | http://{ConfigDB-host/IP}:{port}/SDNCConfigDBAPI/getNbrList/{cellId}/{ts} (Get neighbor list for a cell Id) http://{ConfigDB-host/IP}:{port}/SDNCConfigDBAPI/getPnfName/{cellId}/{ts} (Get the PNF name for a cell Id) | Currently Available | Currently Available | This will be replaced with CPS for Istanbul |
CPS | Used by SON-handler and/or Slice-Analysis MS | Currently Available | Currently Available |
API Outgoing Dependencies
API this project is delivering to other projects.
API Name | API Description | API Definition Date | API Delivery date | API Definition link (i.e.swagger) |
VES Collector | API for VNFs to send VES data | Currently Available | No change for this release | |
DCAE Deployment Handler | NB API for invoking the deployment of DCAE subcomponents | Currently Available | R3 | No change for this release |
DCAE Inventory | API for Add/Delete DCAE copy's TOSCA models | Currently Available | R3 | No change for this release |
Healthcheck | API for querying DCAE component healthcheck | Currently Available | R4 | No change for this release |
DCAE Onboarding API | API for publishing DCAE spec into MOD | Currently Available | R6 | No change for this release |
DCAE Inventory | API for CLAMP to retrieve flow information | Currently Available | R6 | No change for this release |
Data Extraction Service (DES) | API for data retrieval and simple computation from DL-Handler maintained storages (For R8, this will be used by DCAE components such Slice-Analyis MS) and UUI | Currently Available | R8 | No change for this release |
PMSH | API support for Subscription/Filters/Measurement group management | Under review (https://gerrit.onap.org/r/c/dcaegen2/+/121898) | R9 M2 | https://gerrit.onap.org/r/c/dcaegen2/+/121898 |
SliceAnalysis | API support for data aggregation based on NSI/NSSI; this will be consumed by OOF | Reviewed | R9 M2 | NSI/NSSI Selection based on resource occupancy levels |
Third Party Products Dependencies
Third Party Products mean products that are mandatory to provide services for your components. Development of new functionality in third party product may or not be expected. List the Third Party Products (OpenStack, ODL, RabbitMQ, ElasticSearch,Crystal Reports, ...).
Name | Description | Version |
NIFI | Apache NIFI | 1.9.x |
Cloudify Manager | cloudifyplatform/community | cloudifyplatform/community-cloudify-manager-aio:5.1.2 |
Consul | version based on OOM | |
In case there are specific dependencies (Centos 7 vs Ubuntu 16. Etc.) list them as well.
Testing and Integration Plans
- Unit Test addition will be enforced part of new code submission; all components are required to maintain 55% codecoverage at the minumum.
- Functional test plan
- CSIT tests will continue to be supported for existing components and new components
- DCAE has number of CSIT - https://jenkins.onap.org/view/CSIT/; these will be continued to be validated during course of development for this release.
- Pairwise testing will be done in the WindRiver Dev lab; below wiki page captures the test planned
- DCAE also has number of Smoke test (Example - https://logs.onap.org/onap-integration/daily/onap_daily_pod4_master/01-18-2021_08-01/) enabled for several components/flows; these test are validated part of gating for new container releases
- Bulk-PM
- PRH flow
This section is used to document a limitation on a functionality or platform support. We are currently aware of this limitation and it will be delivered in a future Release. List identified release gaps (if any), and its impact.
Gaps identified | Impact |
Known Defects and Issues
Provide a link toward the list of all known project bugs.
List the risks identified for this release along with the plan to prevent the risk to occur (mitigation) and the plan of action in the case the risk would materialized (contingency).
Risk identified | Mitigation Plan | Contingency Plan |
With Cloudify 3.x support releated by Cloudify under 5.1.1, DCAE CM pod upgrade is targetted for H release. This will be major upgrade requiring extensive regression. For any issues identified - may need to coordinate with Cloudify which could span beyond H release timeframe | Based on severity of issue - we'll assess if new continairs can be released for H release or if need to be withheld. | None |
Due to upstream dependency on NIFI project, some of MOD (NiFI) components (designtool/gen-processor/nifi-registry) will remain in java 8 | Continue Honolulu version |
Please see the INFO.yaml files associated with each repo as the authoritative sources of information. https://gerrit.onap.org/r/admin/repos/q/filter:dcae
Release Milestone
The milestones are defined at the Release Planning: Istanbul and all the supporting project agreed to comply with these dates.
Team Internal Milestone
This section is optional and may be used to document internal milestones within a project team or multiple project teams. For instance, in the case the team has made agreement with other team to deliver some artifacts on a certain date that are not in the release milestone, it is erecommended to provide these agreements and dates in this section.
It is not expected to have a detailed project plan.
Date | Sprint | #No of days | Deliverable |
Key dates for Istanbul release - M1 - 05/20, M2 - 06/17, M3 - 08/26, M4- 09/16, RC - 10/14,Signoff - 10/28 | |||
05/20/2021 - 06/17/2021 | DCAE Istanbul Sprint 1 (Planning) |
| |
06/18/2021 - 07/15/2021 | DCAE Istanbul Sprint 2 (Development) |
| |
07/16/2021 - 08/26/2021 | DCAE Istanbul Sprint 3 (Code Freeze) |
| |
08/27/2021 - 09/16/2021 | DCAE Istanbul Sprint 4 (Container Release/artifact) | Finalize containers/jars for Istanbul release and submit patch to OOM for revisions | |
09/17/2021 - 10/14/2021 | Integration |
Documentation, Training
- Highlight the team contributions to the specific document related to he project (Config guide, installation guide...).
- Highlight the team contributions to the overall Release Documentation and training asset
- High level list of documentation, training and tutorials necessary to understand the release capabilities, configuration and operation.
- Documentation includes items such as:
- Installation instructions
- Configuration instructions
- Developer guide
- End User guide
- Admin guide
Other Information
Vendor Neutral
If this project is coming from an existing proprietary codebase, ensure that all proprietary trademarks, logos, product names, etc. have been removed. All ONAP deliverables must comply with this rule and be agnostic of any proprietary symbols.
Free and Open Source Software
FOSS activities are critical to the delivery of the whole ONAP initiative. The information may not be fully available at Release Planning, however to avoid late refactoring, it is critical to accomplish this task as early as possible. List all third party Free and Open Source Software used within the release and provide License type (BSD, MIT, Apache, GNU GPL,... ). In the case non Apache License are found inform immediately the TSC and the Release Manager and document your reasoning on why you believe we can use a non Apache version 2 license.
Each project must edit its project table available at Project FOSS.
Charter Compliance
The project team comply with the ONAP TSC Charter OBSOLETE 7 1 CLEAN.pdf.