Control Loop Subcommittee Accomplishments from Beijing 2018 - Guilin 2021

Control Loop Subcommittee Accomplishments from Beijing 2018 - Guilin 2021

Beijing 2018 and Casablanca 2019 - Control Loop Sub Committee Beijing Planning

The majority of this release was spent getting the 3 integral control loop project teams (Policy, Clamp, and DCAE) working together to build the testing of Control Loops for the vFirewall and Scale Out use cases. In addition, time was spent educating the ONAP community on how the current architecture and flow was built and designed.

Control Loop Sub Committee Beijing Planning.

Dublin 2019 - El Alto 2020 - Control Loop Sub Committee Dublin Release Planning

Model driven Control Loop Design was the initial requirement that the subcommittee worked on in designing control loops. In this effort, the Policy team did a complete re-architecture of the project. This involved shifting from ad-hoc models to TOSCA Policy Type models. The team re-built the API infrastructure to a more simplified Lifecycle API, Policy Administration API and new Decision API.

Control Loop Coordination policies were built into the Policy Framework utilized by the 5G-SON OOF Use Case.

Frankfurt 2020 - Control Loop Sub Committee Frankfurt Release Planning

In this release, the CLAMP project finished the migration to the new Policy Architecture.

In parallel, Model driven Control Loop design evolved into Self Serve Control Loops v2 in which DCAE project built upon a POC done with ONAP and Acumos to bring in a new designer studio into the DCAE architecture.

The Policy team continued to enhance their architecture with new actor/operation models, Policy Notification Update messages, native Policy Types and new TOSCA Operational Policy Type design.

CDS project was integrated into the actor/model framework by Bell Canada team who transformed the vFirewall Use Case to support CDS.

Guilin 2021 - Control Loop Sub Committee Guilin Release Planning

Continuation of the work for Self Serve Control Loop (Guilin), in which DCAE continued on-boarding PoC into ONAP as a PoC. The PoC made improvements to MOD (NiFi) and configuration for dynamic topic support.

The Control Loop sub committee led the functional requirement to add a new Filter Guard Policy Type. In addition, the subcommittee ensured that the Native Policy Type work developed in Frankfurt was fully tested through the CLAMP interface.

A new Proof-of-Concept was started by the subcommittee to define TOSCA-Based Control Loops, led by Ericsson: PoC Proposal: Support of TOSCA Targets in the Policy Framework. This work was demonstrated at the fall LFN Technical Conference and continues through Honolulu release.

In addition, deprecation of older codebase further facilitated the migration to all the new work introduced since Dublin.

Future Work - Control Loop Sub Committee Working Requirements and Future Roadmap

Self-Serve control loops and TOSCA-Based control loops will continue as PoC's following ONAP process. Many other ideas and concepts have been documented so that other members of ONAP can pick up the torch and drive as requirements/use cases/PoC's, etc.