ARC Holmes Component Description - Honolulu-R8
Page Status: Drafted - Aug-24-2020
Component Status: Pending PTL updates and ArchCom Review
Last Reviewed on:
Certified by:
1. High Level Component Definition and Architectural Relationships
2. Template Component API definitions
Template Component provides the following interfaces:
Interface Name | Interface Definition | Interface Capabilities | Version | Status | Consumed Models | API Spec (Swagger) |
HOLMESE-1 | This is a set of rule management interfaces, which is mainly intended for the CRUD actions of the rules of Holmes. | Allows applications to create, update, delete, and query the rule entities. | 1.0.0 | production | Defined by Holmes | |
HOLMESE-2 | Health check. | Allows other applications to perform healthcheck on Holmes. | 1.0.0 | production | - |
Template Component consumes the following Interfaces:
Interface Name | Purpose Reason For Use | Version(s) | API Spec (Swagger) |
POE-4 | To send the closed control loop events to policy to trigger downstream actions. | - | |
DCAE-EXT12:CBS | To retrieve default configurations (e.g. default rules and DMaaP configurations, etc.) | 2.5.3 | |
DMaaP-2 | To retrieve VES events from DMaaP. | 4.0.0 | |
DMaaP-3 | To send closed control loop events to DMaaP. | ||
AAIE-1 | To query resource information from A&AI. | v19 |
3. Component Description:
A more detailed figure and description of the component.
4. known system limitations
Performance limitation: if it comes to high-performance scenarios, and A&AI happened to be needed for alarm analysis and correlation, there could be a performance bottleneck as all A&AI API calls are based on HTTP requests, which is considerably time-consuming.
5. System Deployment Architecture
6. New Release Capabilities
According to Requirement 479 (see below), all sub-components of DCAE have to migrate their deployment from Cloudify blueprints to Helm charts.
DCAE will keep the cloudify-blueprint deployment as a fallback in case the migration can not be completed in Honolulu. Once the migration is done, deployment of DCAE apps (including Holmes) will be all based on Helm charts.
7. References
More documents about API : Holmes API Documentation - Honolulu