The new Beijing release scalability, resiliency, and manageablity are described here. These capabilities apply to the OOM/Kubernetes installation.
Follow the OOM installation instructions at
Overview of the running system
Verify that the portal healtcheck passes by the robot framework:
portal-app Resiliency
A portal-app container failure can be simulated by stopping the portal-app container. The kubernetes liveness operation will detect that the ports are down, inferring there's a problem with the service, and in turn, will restart the container.
portal-app Scaling
To scale a new portal-app, set the replica count appropriately.
In our tests below, we are going to work with the OOM portal component in isolation. In this exercise, we scale the portal-app with 2 new replicas.
Check Portal UI and perform sanity tests.
- After 3 instances of Portal are up, logon as demo user on
- then killed 1 instance process_id=12345, I am able to continue see Portal page seamlessly