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vCPE Integration Test Case


ONAP Beijing: Understanding the vFWCL use-case mechanism

Tutorial_vIMS : SDNC Updates

vCPE SO to SDNC Message Flow

Configuring SNIRO Emulator for vCPE Testing

ONAP Sanity Check

Set up ONAP and health check  

1SDNC fails health check intermittently

SDNC-482 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Reduce replica from 3 to 1 and not using clustering make the problem go away


SDC GUI doesn't come up

SDC-1839 - Getting issue details... STATUS

The workaround is find an old working image for sdc-frontend and replace the failing one

SO fails on health check due to bpmn

can't start

SO-1166 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Find a older working bpmn image from nexus3 repo and replace image version in Helm

deployment with kubectl edit command

4Portal GUI doesn't work on 8989 port

Use Firefox with portal 30225, and when switching to SDC click on the info icon at

the url bar and accept unsecure access to SDC GUI

VNF onboarding, service creation and distribution

NumberIssue DescriptionJIRAWorkaround

AAI model loader fails model distribution. It appears AAI widgets are not loaded after initialization. The model loader error log shows 404 Not Found error like:

2018-11-01T22:39:25.117Z|5d569c28-6e2b-410f-98f2-17d11e978f5d|pool-2-thread-10|ModelLoader|Event-Bus|AAIRESTClient||INFO|AC0004I|AC0004I request at url = https://aai.onap:8443/aai/v14/service-design-and-creation/models/model/bb540550-d449-4745-b769-18f66508c56e resulted in http response: 404 Not Found|

AAI-1759 - Getting issue details... STATUS

run the script manually

root@oom-rancher:~# kubectl exec -it dev-aai-aai-traversal-b95847c96-fklkx -n onap gosu aaiadmin /opt/app/aai-traversal/bin/install/

2Model distribution fails in SDNC because ueb-listener did not connect to SDC successful when starting

SDNC-472 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Bounce ueb-listener can resolve the issue
3Model distribution fails on SO due to missing table entry for Generic NeutronNet

SO-1184 - Getting issue details... STATUS

sql to insert data
INSERT INTO catalogdb.heat_template(`ARTIFACT_UUID`, `NAME`, `VERSION`, `BODY`, `TIMEOUT_MINUTES`, `DESCRIPTION`, `CREATION_TIMESTAMP`, `ARTIFACT_CHECKSUM`) VALUES('efee1d84-b8ec-11e7-abc4-cec278b6b50a', 'Generic NeutronNet', '1', 

'heat_template_version: 2013-05-23

description: A simple Neutron network



    type: string

    description: Name of the Neutron Network

    default: ONAP-NW1


     type: boolean

     description: Shared amongst tenants

     default: True



    description: Openstack network identifier

    value: { get_resource: network }



    type: OS::Neutron::Net


      name: { get_param: network_name }

      shared: { get_param: shared }

', 10, 'Generic Neutron Template', NOW(), 'MANUAL RECORD');

INSERT INTO catalogdb.heat_template_params(`HEAT_TEMPLATE_ARTIFACT_UUID`, `PARAM_NAME`, `IS_REQUIRED`, `PARAM_TYPE`, `PARAM_ALIAS`) VALUES('efee1d84-b8ec-11e7-abc4-cec278b6b50a', 'shared', 0, 'string', NULL);

INSERT INTO catalogdb.temp_network_heat_template_lookup (`NETWORK_RESOURCE_MODEL_NAME`, `HEAT_TEMPLATE_ARTIFACT_UUID`,`AIC_VERSION_MIN` , `AIC_VERSION_MAX` ) VALUES ('Generic NeutronNet','efee1d84-b8ec-11e7-abc4-cec278b6b50a','2.0','2.5');

Service Instantiation

1Failed to create vCPE customer service with error message in bpmn log as
Cannot orchestrate Service-Macro-Create without user params with a vnf

SO-1189 - Getting issue details... STATUS

2DHCP_MAP is not populated in SDNC because kea DHCP is not downloaded correctly

INT-712 - Getting issue details... STATUS

You can manually download kea lib. See vCPE tutorial
3CloudOwner is not defined in SDNC configuration. vCPE customer service instantiation will fail

SDNC-448 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Add container sdnc-sdnc-0: /opt/sdnc/data/properties/


Customer service instantiation uses self-service flow and failed to find cloud owner

SDNC-511 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Add preload to GRA for the vBRG based on SO name to be assigned zRegionOne1base_vgw_0 , zRegionOne2base_vgw_0, etc.
5SUBCATEGORY and ALLOTTED_RESOURCE_ROLE not set in allotted_resource_customization/allotted_resource tables correctly

SDC-1909 - Getting issue details... STATUS

SO-1200 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Manually update the allotted_resource table and allotted_resource_customization tables to set TunellXCon and BRG
6mso.workflow.sdnc.replication.delay not set in override.yaml for BPMN

SO-1198 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Manually set it to PT60S

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