Attendees: Tao Shen, Huabing Zhao, Xin Jin, Karthik Arun, Lingli Deng
Time: July 7, 2017 10:00 AM China Time
- VF-C project proposal review
- Maopeng will be working on the revised draft of VF-C project proposal, circulate it for internal group review by Monday and post it to list for TSC review by Tuesday, based on the comments from the initial feedback from TSC at:
- Lingli will contact with Shitao, Maopeng to identify two committers from Huawei and ZTE, and have other participants moved into contributors sector.
- Anatoly will be sharing his proposal for followup discussion of VF-C interfacing with other components and let the team decide if we need a breakout session during the F2F next week.
- Lingli request a cancelation of the weekly call for next Friday due to F2F, and resume the call the week after.