ETSI-Alignment Integration Test Plan for Honolulu Release

ETSI-Alignment Integration Test Plan for Honolulu Release

Test Case Summary

Test Case Number

Test Case


Test Case Number

Test Case



SDC support of SOL007 NS package design and SOL004 VNF package onboarding

To do


SOL003 Adapter / VNFM Simulator subscription to ETSI Catalog Manager

To do


ETSI Catalog Manager management for SOL007 NS and SOL004 VNF packages

To do


SO NFVO support of NS LCM operations

To do

Test Plan

The ETSI-Alignment integration tests consist of 4 main test cases and their sub test cases. Each test case is broken down into a sequence of measurable checkpoints per ONAP components. These checkpoints are RESTful APIs, each of which has a specific set of input and output parameters which can be measured against.  The checkpoints are illustrated below.

Test Case Details

The test procedures for the test cases are provided in the following table.


Test case


SO NFVO / SOL003 Adapter / VNFM Simulator

ETSI Catalog Manager

SO NFVO / SOL 003 Adapter / VNFM Simulator


Test case


SO NFVO / SOL003 Adapter / VNFM Simulator

ETSI Catalog Manager

SO NFVO / SOL 003 Adapter / VNFM Simulator


SDC support of SOL007 NS package design and SOL004 VNF package onboarding

  1. SDC onboards ETSI v3.3.1 SOL004 VNF packages with minimum CNF enhancements from 4.1.1 (at least two)

    1. check if the onboarding is successful

  2. SDC onboards ETSI v2.7.1 SOL004 VNF packages for backward compatibility tests (at least two)

    1. check if the onboarding is successful

  3. SDC designs SOL007 NS packages

    1. during design, references SOL004 VNFs (two) and check the referencing is successful

    2. complete NS package design and check the ETSI SOL007 CSAR in the ETSI_PACKAGE directory

    3. create an SDC CSAR which includes NSs

  4. SDC validates and distributes the SDC service template packages

    1. check the distribution is successful.





SOL003 Adapter / VNFM Simulator / SO NFVO subscription to ETSI Catalog Manager


  1. SOL003 Adapter subscribes to ETSI Catalog Manager

    1. configure subscription requests and send a subscription request to ETSI Catalog Manager

    2. check if the subscription is successful

    3. test if SOL003 Adapter can query SOL004 or SOL007 NS packages

  2. VNFM Simulator subscribes to SOL003 Adapter 

    1. configure subscription requests and send a subscription request to SOL003 Adapter

    2. check if the subscription is successful

    3. test if VNFM Simulator can query SOL004 VNF packages thru SOL003 Adapter

  3. SO NFVO subscribes to ETSI Catalog Manager

    1. configure subscription requests and send a subscription request to ETSI Catalog Manager

    2. check if the subscription is successful

    3. test if SO NFVO can query SOL004 or SOL007 NS packages




ETSI Catalog Manager management for SOL007 NS and SOL004 VNF packages



  1. ETSI Catalog Manager receives the notification for the service template CSAR

    1. test if ETSI Catalog Manager receives the SDC notification through DMaaP when SDC distributes it

    2. check if ETSI Catalog Manager extracts SOL007 NS and/or SOL004 VNF packages from the SDC CSAR, and stores them into its database

  2. Check if ETSI Catalog Manager sends notifications to the subscribed components such as SOL003 Adapter

  3. Check if ETSI Catalog Manager sends notifications to the subscribed components such as SO NFVO



SO NFVO support of NS LCM operations




  1. test SO NFVO manages Create / Instantiate / Terminate / Delete NS LCM operations

    1. using the manual script (postman), sends LCM requests to SO NFVO thru RESTful interfaces

    2. check if SO NFVO receives those requests and trigger subsequent operations by checking its database and logging

    3. by using SO Monitoring, check if SO NFVO triggers Create NS LCM operation successfully

    4. by using SO Monitoring, check if SO NFVO triggers Instantiate NS LCM operation successfully

    5. by using SO Monitoring, check if SO NFVO triggers Terminate NS LCM operation successfully

    6. by using SO Monitoring, check if SO NFVO triggers Delete NS LCM operation successfully

  2. test SO NFVO manages GET NS Operation Status API

    1. send a request for GET NS Operation Status to SO NFVO 

    2. check if SO NFVO sends the NS Operation Status response

  3. By using SO NFVO database and logging, validate, desired NS objects and VNF objects are created.

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