11-15-2017 Policy Weekly Meeting
11-15-2017 Policy Weekly Meeting
- Status update for Amsterdam
- vFW testing - success last week
- vDNS testing - success yesterday
- VOLTE testing - over weekend was successful
- vCPE - success last month, waiting to do a re-test today
- Released v.1.1.1 Java Artifacts
- PTL Vote of Confidence last Monday - Yes from all
- Policy R1 - Deliverables for Release Sign-Off Milestone Checklist Template
- Beijing Planning
- Platform Policy
- Integration with SDC
- Policy Lifecycle API
- PDP as microservices
- Control Loop Subcommittee approved - waiting for guidance from Kenny on Chair election
- Next week meeting cancelled due to U.S. Holiday
- Start the following week 11-29-2017 with Beijing M1 planning
Rob - Huawei
, multiple selections available,