07-05-2017 Policy Weekly Meeting
07-05-2017 Policy Weekly Meeting
ONAP Policy Weekly - 07-05-2017.pptx
Participant List:
- Lizi’s concern about committers. - Pam will consult with Jorge about this issue.
- Pam asked whether Alex wants to drive VNF activity? Alex was looking at some other project and the bulk of VNF support is going to happen only in Release 2. Pam agrees that we do not need to commit in R1. We will need to merge what VNF provides with what the platform provides. Alex can drive this. Pam wants to make sure that we have a specific user story for this, specific tasks and make people to work on this. Alex wants to create the user stories around the VNFs.
- Pam wants ~50% code coverage for Unit testing in R1. Writing/adding unit tests will help people to get know the platform (especially for those who wants to become committers).
- Alex is building two labs in US and wants to stand up a demo. - A prototype of how to define policies…
- Pam was on a call regarding MSP (micro service path). We can take steps to start looking at it and look into this functionality, how it works. Maybe not for R1. Policy’s biggest client for now is - CLAMP. So let’s look into MSP - e.g., how are we going to advertise our services?
- Alex asked when is the freeze date for user stories? - August 3rd.
- Possible User stories:
- API - we can start working in parallel on new APIs that will support the new lifecycle functionality.
- How we are going to support MSP
- How we will support SDC distribution
- There is not enough good details about how the whole control loop flow works… How it currently works and how we want it to be evolved.
- Alex: do we expect VoLTE to be Policy enforced? Pam - not clear, maybe they have some self-healing functionality as a stretch goal… For R1, the majority of policy enabled use cases are - closed loops. Maybe some few configuration, placement, homing. Hopefully, next week this will be sorted out (what are the use cases for Policy).
- Jorge’s tutorial on Development Environment.
- Alex asked what is exactly the Drools/operational policy functionality. Pam explained the basic things that we have and that in the future we would like to enhance it.
- Jorge showed REST API to Drools-PDP controller. Alex asked whether the Maven repo and artifacts for Policies are hardcoded or not. - The are not hadcoded. We can use any Maven repo and any artifacts naming.
- Alex asked whether the the events are persistent. Pam and Jorge replied that there is some work on Drools resiliency to restore Drools working memory in case the session failed/crashed. It is also possible that DCAE will replay the Onset Event if there was no reaction/correcting action from Policy.
- Pam: next Wednesday - optimization team will talk about their platform and how it is Policy-enabled. We will also talk about some logistic and will start defining our next sprint.
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