CCVPN Service Design

CCVPN Service Design

CCVPN Service View

In Casablanca Release ,we will design CCVPN Use Case as three services. SOTNVPNInfraService, SDWANVPNInfraService and SIteService.

In the actual scenario, a customer will have several sites locate at different locations. And the customer will aslo have different vpns for different site LANs.

So when se use these templates, we will have one SOTNVPNInfraService, several SDWANVPNInfraServices, several SIteServices.

Note: The green colored models will be delivered in Casablanca release. the orange ones will be in plan.

CCVPN Resource Data Models

Guidance to design CCVPN

import VLs

     import sotnConnectivity and sdwanConnectivity as VLs.

     Now SDC have no portal to support VL import , we need to use SDC scripts to import the VLs.

  1.      put the VL information under a folder with its import properties json.  Refer to the files below.

  2.    Copy the unziped folder to SDC BE Container. Script example if the ONAP installed by OOM:
    kubectl -n onap cp sotnConnectivity dev-sdc-sdc-be-5c97bbdf68-z2hj5:/tmp/jetty- -c sdc-be
    kubectl -n onap cp sdwanConnectivity dev-sdc-sdc-be-5c97bbdf68-z2hj5:/tmp/jetty- -c sdc-be

  3.    run SDC BE scripts to import the VLs(note: the sdc be of Casablanca release have no python by default , you need to install it).
    cd /tmp/jetty-
    vi importNormativeTypes.py to add our VLs.(normativeTypes = [ "root", "compute","sotnConnectivity","sdwanConnectivity", "softwareComponent", "webServer", ,,,,)
    python importNormativeTypes.py

Import VFCs

      import sppartner, device, site , sitewanport, sotnvpnattachment, sdwanvpnattachment as VFC.

      We do this by SDC portal.  


Design VFs

        Design VFs: Design sppartnerVF(composite by sppartner), deviceVF(composite by device), siteVF(composite by site), sitewanVF(composite by sitewanport), 

        sotnvpnattachmentVF(composite by sotnvpnattachment and allotted resource), sdwanvpnattachmentVF(composite by sdwanvpnattachment and allotted resource).

    Note: because sotnvpnattachmentVF and sdwanvpnattachmentVF are allotted resource, the properties of providing_service_invariant_uuid and providing_service_uuid should be filled as the id of  SOTNVPNInfraService and SDWANVPNInfraService( you can create them first.)

  Design Services

      Design services: SOTNVPNInfraService(composite by sotnconnectivity and sppartnerVF), SDWANVPNInfraService(composite by sdwanconnectivity and sppartnerVF) SiteService(composite by sppartnerVF, deviceVF, siteVF, sitewanVF, sotnvpnattchmentVF, sdwanvpnattachmentVF) 


To get more information of CCVPN service  models, refer to the CSARs.






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