SDC Simulator

SDC Simulator


This option is for developers working locally on SDC.

SDC Simulator is a project that enables emulation of WEB server that provides security policy and sign-on to the SDC component in dev environments.

  •  Provides a sign on to the basic user roles/functionalities

  •  Creation of basic user accounts

Docker compilation - Docker Maven Build Profile (io.fabric8 maven Plugin)

If you are using ONAP-Vagrant environment you can deploy the simulator by:

Set up the DOCKER_HOST environmental variable

To set environmental variable in Windows (the docker engine environment):

  1. Run `cmd`

  2. Issue command  `set NAME=VALUE`

set DOCKER_HOST=tcp://
  • To check if the variable set succeeded issue:


To compile sdc-simulator docker:

1.  Run 

mvn clean install -pl utils/webseal-simulator -P docker

2.  Copy the script /sdc-chef-os/scripts/docker_run.sh to the docker engine environment and run:

start only simulator built local
start only simulator pull docker from LF

3. To verify that sdc-simulator docker is up and running run:

Make sure that a docker with id: sdc-simulator exists

4. Enter to UI: `http://<ip address>:8285/login`

Docker compilation - Docker Engine

1. Build web simulator WAR file run in project “webseal simulator”:

  • This will generate war file (WSSimulator.war) in the target folder.

  • Check that WSSimulator.war exists after first step No.1 in webseal-simulator/sdc-simulator folder.

2. Ftp war file: webseal-simulator/sdc-simulator folder to your localhost vagrant machine which runs docker engine daemon.
3. Run `docker build -t onap/sdc-simulator:1.1-STAGING-latest <PATH/sdc-simulator>`

  • If running behind a proxy:

4. Validate that images pushed to the local repo by executing:

5. Copy the script /sdc-chef-os/scriptsdocker_run.sh to the docker engine environment, make it executable (chmod ugo+x) and run: 

6.To verify that sdc-simulator docker is up and running execute:

  • If no docker sdc-simulator running execute `docker ps -a`

7. Enter to UI: http://<ip address>:8285/login

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