Titan to JanusGraph Migration

Titan to JanusGraph Migration

Instructions for K8s set up

  1. Create a directory in k8s set up where you want to execute titan to janus graph migration.

    e.g. /data/migration
  2.  Download JanusGraph gremlin in-built package from URL at /data/migration. https://github.com/JanusGraph/janusgraph/releases/download/v0.3.1/janusgraph-0.3.1-hadoop2.zip
  3.  Copy "TitanToJanusGraphMigration.groovy" script to /data/migration. Script location is : \asdctool\src\main\java\org\openecomp\sdc\asdctool\impl. Also attached script. 

  4.  Copy "titan.properties" from SDC-BE pod to /data/migration

  5. Add below field to "titan.properties"

  6. Take backup of entire sdc keyspaces in cassandra.
  7. All users should be blocked from using system
  8. Copy "janusgraph-0.3.1-hadoop2.zip" , "TitanToJanusGraphMigration.groovy" , "titan.properties" to cassandra pod.

    e.g. kubectl cp /data/migration/ sdc/sdc-sdc-cs-5c8b5c888d-gt446:/root
  9. Enter inside the cassandra pod

    e.g.  kubectl -n sdc exec -it sdc-sdc-cs-5c8b5c888d-gt446 bash
  10. Execute migration script 
         Navigate to /root and unzip"janusgraph-0.3.1-hadoop2.zip" . 
         Navigate to bin folder and run below command.
         Command : ./gremlin.sh -l <LOG_LEVEL> -e <Path_To_migration_Script_File> <Path_To_Properties_File>

    e.g.  ./gremlin.sh -l ERROR -e /root/TitanToJanusGraphMigration.groovy /root/titan.properties
  11. Upgrade SDC-BE, SDC-FE pods with images which includes changes of JanusGraph. 

Instructions for docker environment

  1. Create a directory in docker environment where you want to execute titan to janus graph migration.

    e.g. /data/migration
  2. Download JanusGraph gremlin in-built package from URL at /data/migration and unzip it.    https://github.com/JanusGraph/janusgraph/releases/download/v0.3.1/janusgraph-0.3.1-hadoop2.zip

  3. Copy "TitanToJanusGraphMigration.groovy" script to /data/migration. Script location is : \asdctool\src\main\java\org\openecomp\sdc\asdctool\impl. Also attached script. 

  4. Copy "titan.properties" from SDC-BE docker to /data/migration

        e.g. docker cp sdc-BE:/var/lib/jetty/config/catalog-be/titan.properties /data/migration
  5.  Add below field to "titan.properties"

  6. Take backup of entire sdc keyspaces in cassandra.

  7. Stop and remove SDC-BE , SDC-FE dockers.
  8. Execute migration script 
       Navigate to "janusgraph-0.3.1-hadoop2/bin" folder and run below command.
       Command : ./gremlin.sh -l <LOG_LEVEL> -e <Path_To_migration_Script_File> <Path_To_Properties_File>

     e.g. ./gremlin.sh -l ERROR -e /data/migration/TitanToJanusGraphMigration.groovy /data/migration/titan.properties
  9. Start SDC-BE, SDC-FE dockers with images which includes changes of JanusGraph.

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