High-Level Overview: SDNR DMaaP Listener and RPC/DG Execution

High-Level Overview: SDNR DMaaP Listener and RPC/DG Execution

This document captures the high-level design implemented for the OOFPCI POC use case and SDNR DMaaP Listener/Consumer and RPC/DG execution (based on the contents of the DMAAP message received).

To support closed-loop-automation use cases, such as SON, SDNR:

  • Receives DMAAP message from pertinent ONAP components (such as, Policy/OOF) and micro-services (such as, SON MS)

  • Invokes corresponding RPC's/DG's that implement the logic to accomplish the requested action (such as, add neighbors to a cell, configure PCI value of a cell...)

  • Sends confirmation back to Policy and other components, about success or failure of the requested action

The below diagram depicts high-level design/architecture:

All technical details associated with creating DMAAP listener docker for SDNR are included here.

All technical details associated with Directed Graphs for YANG/RPC execution are included here.

Key Prerequisites and requirements:

  • YANG models that capture configuration tree and RPC's are defined

  • DMAAP message payloads are aligned with YANG models