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- Mike Elliott config work -
Getting issue details...
- Mike presented to Arch subcommittee and the PTL coordinators meet on monday
- Presentation of config separation - the large tarball in the config container
- Give application teams access to the config - so we have 1 copy
- Work with teams on what is the config and config mechanism
- Q: Viswanath Kumar Skand Priya - we can have config ecosystems (dev/prod/stg) - yes
- Will use helm directly instead of the sh/bash wrapper we currently use
- Could use same doc like git symlink for config
- Working with Linux Foundation to see if the above is possible - for now we keep the config in OOM and the teams own/modify/commit changes (sort of how AAI currently does) - need to discuss with app teams
- Q: Hong Chen - onboarding template? good question - this is available via parameterization of the config
- Q: CI/CD question - yes we can be used for CI and CD
- The intent of the env files that mike has shown - is to target a particular deployment (all the way from a component developer to a full prod deployment)
- For the config question (distributed vs centralized) - we will be centralized for now - future plan is to be distributed (pending change control maturity)
- Agreement on centralized config for R2
- When the distributed config change comes in - will see after R2 - after discussing the ownership issues on the config
- Q: communicate CD failure? using JobBuilder CD chain marking -1 on commit
- Q: Injecting configuration? OOM is a platform - the component owners will need to validate config changes using the LF infrastructure CI/CD/Reporting
- Q: Communicate LF work being done to support CD deployment per commit - todo
- Music project integration with OOM - tasks Viswanath Kumar Skand Priya
- Closing A* release
- Discuss RBAC in Kubadm causing security issues - with the client certificate