04-18-2018 Policy One-Off Meeting - Casablanca Planning
04-18-2018 Policy One-Off Meeting - Casablanca Planning
Discussion around: https://lf-onap.atlassian.net/wiki/display/DW/The+ONAP+Policy+Framework
Policy Design:
- A workshop will be organized with SDC to explore how Policy interaction with SDC for policy design, where SDC holds SLAs, Licenses, and Recipes that are used to create policies.
- Policy Interaction with DCAE also needs to be worked out
- Policy design needs to address how to have a standard way for Policy design for arbitrary PDPs to:
- allow tasks to be created
- tie tasks together
- allow selection of tasks
- Combine events and allow events to be buffered for a certain length of time
- Yaml for policy flow?
- Common actor API
Policy Deployment/Policy Execution:
- Architecture to be sketched out to get to level that it can be prototyped
- APIs to be prototyped in Swagger based on architecture
- PDP/PAP/PIP interactions to be captured based on architecture