Discussion on ServiceID and ClientID from Bearer token

Discussion on ServiceID and ClientID from Bearer token

WORK IN PROGRESS & For Discussion


Some A1-Policy operations require the creator (and owner) of an A1-Policy to be known.
In the pre-R1 A1-Policy API it was required to provide a 'service_id' to link A1-Policies to the client or service that 'owns' them.

Where this mandatory 'service_id' is a registered 'Service', then the new A1-Policy instance is subject to the 'keep-alive' requirements for the service, and policies are deleted when the 'Service' is unregistered/deleted.
However, this mandatory 'service_id' did not need to correspond to an existing registered 'Service', and if the value corresponded to an unregistered 'Service' service registration is not performed for that service.
A "Service" cannot be registered with a null or empty (""), however an empty value "" can be passed for 'service_id' when creating a policy - to represent "no service". 

O-RAN Alliance R1-GAP, R1-AP and Security specifications describe how R1 requests authentication headers should include a bearer-token, which includes the 'ClientID' of the R1-Service invoker. There is an assumption (TBC) that this is the 'rAppID' for R1 invocations by rApps. When creating A1-Polices this 'ClientID' corresponds to the 'owner' and 'creator' of those A1-Policies. ('owner' == 'creator').

When a 'ClientID' is present in a the Auth header of a request, as part of a cryptographically signed/verified JWT token, the 'ClientID' will be the actual service invoker. JWT tokens generally should not be shared, and it should not be possible for one client to masquerade as a different client.

However, there may be cases where non-rApp clients need to be 'creator' for an A1-Policy, but not the 'owner'. e.g. an admin client, a GUI, a batch or restore operation, distributed applications, etc.. So it should be possible to also include supplementary 'owner' information in an A1-Policy create request.

In the R1-aligned enhanced ('v3') API introduced for A1-PMS (link currently broken: https://docs.onap.org/projects/onap-ccsdk-oran/en/latest/offeredapis/v3/pms-api-v3.html) the Create-Policy operation retained the 'service_id' parameter as an optional non-spec parameter, with default value as empty string "". In this way we can use either/both 'ClientID' in the header's JWT token and/or the 'service_id' parameter in the create-policy operation.

This page discusses how to deal with combinations of 'ClientID' (as "creator" and/or "own

er") in the Header, and 'service_id' ( as "owner") in the request body.


Not considering security here!

The discussion below does not consider whether a Create-Policy request (or any other request) should be allowed or not.
Request authorization and/or authentication is checked elsewhere :

  1. Firstly, outside the service (e.g. RBAC checking in an API gateway, service mesh, proxy etc)
  2. Secondly, using the call-outs to an optional external Authorization handler via the Authorization-API

Therefore, depending on how the service is deployed and configured, some of the scenarios below may be restricted, and the operation may fail with an 'Unauthorized' error.

Original pre-spec v2 API:

  1. Request 'service_id' ❌ absent (null)
    1. Token or its 'ClientID' ❌ absent (null), or

    2. Token's 'ClientID' ✔️ present but blank/empty (""), or 

    3. Token's 'ClientID' ✅present

      Leave parameter 'service_id' as null and continue.
      Operation will fail because 'service_id' is mandatory.

  2. Request 'service_id' ✔️ present but blank/empty ("")
    1. Token or its 'ClientID' ❌ absent (null)

      Leave parameter 'service_id' as empty ("") and continue.

      This policy has no 'owner', so cannot be retrieved using a service-id filter in Get-Instances, and cannot be later inherited by a newly-registered service ("" is not a valid service name when registering a 'Service').

      Policy cannot be auto-deleted/garbage-collected, since this functionality is tried to the life-cycle of registered Services only.

    2. Token's 'ClientID' ✔️ present but blank/empty ("")

      Leave parameter 'service_id' as empty ("") and continue.

      This policy has no 'owner', so cannot be retrieved using a service-id filter in Get-Instances, and cannot be later inherited by a newly-registered service ("" is not a valid service name when registering a 'Service').

      Policy cannot be auto-deleted/garbage-collected, since this functionality is tried to the life-cycle of registered Services only.

    3. Token's 'ClientID' ✅present

      Set parameter 'service_id' = 'ClientID' and continue.

      This policy's 'owner' is set be its 'creator'.
      See options 3.d and 4.d below to understand behavior when 'service_id' == 'ClientID'

  3. Request 'service_id' ✅present but NOT a registered 'Service'
    1. Token or its 'ClientID' ❌ absent (null)

      Leave parameter 'service_id' as is (not-registered Service) and continue.

      This policy has an unregistered 'owner', but can be retrieved using that 'service-id' filter in Get-Instances
      Policy cannot be auto-deleted/garbage-collected, since this functionality is tried to the life-cycle of registered Services only.
      Policy can be later inherited by a newly-registered Service with same 'service_id'.

    2. Token's 'ClientID' ✔️ present but blank/empty ("")

      Leave parameter 'service_id' as is (not-registered Service) and continue.

      This policy has an unregistered 'owner', but can be retrieved using that 'service-id' filter in Get-Instances
      Policy cannot be auto-deleted/garbage-collected, since this functionality is tried to the life-cycle of registered Services only.
      Policy can be later inherited by a newly-registered Service with same 'service_id'.

    3. Token's 'ClientID' ✅present but != 'service_id'

      Leave parameter 'service_id' as is (not-registered Service) and continue.
      Policy has an different 'owner' than 'creator'

      This policy has an unregistered 'owner', but can be retrieved using that 'service-id' filter in Get-Instances
      Policy cannot be auto-deleted/garbage-collected, since this functionality is tried to the life-cycle of registered Services only.
      Policy can be later inherited by a newly-registered Service with same 'service_id' (see option 4.c below).

      To Do!

      Need to extend functionality to save the additional 'creator' information.

    4. Token's 'ClientID' ✅present and == 'service_id'

      Leave parameter 'service_id' as is (not-registered Service) and continue.

      This policy has an unregistered 'owner', but can be retrieved using that 'service-id' filter in Get-Instances
      Policy cannot be auto-deleted/garbage-collected, since this functionality is tried to the life-cycle of registered Services only.
      Policy can be later inherited by a newly-registered Service with same 'service_id' (see option 4.d below).

  4. Request 'service_id' ✅present but is a registered 'Service'
    1. Token or its 'ClientID' ❌ absent (null)

      Leave parameter 'service_id' as is (pre-registered Service) and continue.

      This policy has a registered 'owner', and can be retrieved using that 'service-id' filter in Get-Instances
      Policy may be auto-deleted/garbage-collected, depending on the life-cycle and activity registered Service.
      Policy will be deleted if Service is deleted or times-out according to however the Service is configured.

    2. Token's 'ClientID' ✔️ present but blank/empty ("")

      Leave parameter 'service_id' as is (pre-registered Service) and continue.

      This policy has a registered 'owner', and can be retrieved using that 'service-id' filter in Get-Instances
      Policy may be auto-deleted/garbage-collected, depending on the life-cycle and activity registered Service.
      Policy will be deleted if Service is deleted or times-out according to however the Service is configured.

    3. Token's 'ClientID' ✅present but != 'service_id'

      Leave parameter 'service_id' as is (pre-registered Service) and continue.
      Policy has an different 'owner' than 'creator'

      This policy has a registered 'owner', and can be retrieved using that 'service-id' filter in Get-Instances
      Policy may be auto-deleted/garbage-collected, depending on the life-cycle and activity registered Service.
      Policy will be deleted if Service is deleted or times-out according to however the Service is configured.

      To Do!

      Need to extend functionality to save the additional 'creator' information.

    4. Token's 'ClientID' ✅present and == 'service_id'

      Leave parameter 'service_id' as is (pre-registered Service) and continue.
      Policy has same 'owner' than 'creator'

      This policy has a registered 'owner' - same as 'creator', and can be retrieved using that 'service-id' filter in Get-Instances
      Policy may be auto-deleted/garbage-collected, depending on the life-cycle and activity registered Service.
      Policy will be deleted if Service is deleted or times-out according to however the Service is configured.

New R1-spec v3 API:

The main difference between 'v2' API and new 'v3' API is that 'service_id' is now optional instead of mandatory.

So all scenarios are the same as above EXCEPT scenario #1

  1. Request 'service_id' ❌ absent (null)

    Set parameter 'service_id' as empty ("") and continue.
    See option set #2 above

Demo with tokens and ClientID extraction for using it as service_id

To generate a JWT token and parse a value from it demonstration. 
Below, I'll outline the steps to achieve this, including generating a JWT, sending it in a request header, and then parsing a value (like `client_id`) from the JWT payload.

Generating a JWT Token using Bash

Note that this example is for educational purposes and doesn't include proper security practices like using secure keys.


header='{"alg": "HS256", "typ": "JWT"}'
payload='{"iss": "example_issuer", "sub": "1234567890", "aud": "myclient", "exp": 3000000000, "client_id": "myclient", "role": "user"}'

# Base64 encode the header and payload without padding
header_base64=$(echo -n "$header" | openssl base64 -e | tr -d '=' | tr '/+' '_-' )
payload_base64=$(echo -n "$payload" | openssl base64 -e -A | tr -d '=' | tr '/+' '_-')

# Create a signature
signature_base64=$(echo -n "${header_base64}.${payload_base64}" | openssl dgst -sha256 -hmac "${secret}" -binary | openssl base64 -e | tr -d '=' | tr '/+' '_-')

# Combine to form the JWT
echo "$jwt"

This script generates a JWT and prints it out. Replace "your-256-bit-secret" with a proper secret key.


Note: for the expiration time

$ ([DateTime]('1970,1,1')).AddSeconds(3000000000)
24 January 2065 05:20:00

Policy Creation Scenario

In this example I want to log the Bearer Token given to the call: PUT

In Postman I use the generated token I got from the bash script as Bearer Token:

It would be equivalent to:

curl -v -X 'PUT' 'http://localhost:8081/a1-policy/v2/policies' \
				-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
				-H 'Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJleGFtcGxlX2lzc3VlciIsInN1YiI6IjEyMzQ1Njc4OTAiLCJhdWQiOiJteWNsaWVudCIsImV4cCI6MzAwMDAwMDAwMCwiY2xpZW50X2lkIjoibXljbGllbnQiLCJyb2xlIjoidXNlciJ9.O5QN_SWN4J1mWKyXk_-PCvOA6GF3ypv1rSdg2uTb_Ls' \
				-d '
    "ric_id": "ric1",
    "policy_id": "aa8feaa88d944d919ef0e83f2172a51001",
    "is_transient": true,
    "service_id": "service-1",
    "policy_data": {
        "scope": {
            "ueId": "ue5100",
            "qosId": "qos5100"
        "qosObjectives": {
            "priorityLevel": 5100.0
    "status_notification_uri": "http://callback-receiver:8090/callbacks/test",
    "policytype_id": "1"

In org.onap.ccsdk.oran.a1policymanagementservice.controllers.v2.PolicyController

    private void logHeaders(ServerWebExchange exchange) {
        HttpHeaders headers = exchange.getRequest().getHeaders();
        String authHeader = headers.getFirst(HttpHeaders.AUTHORIZATION);
        if (authHeader != null && authHeader.startsWith("Bearer ")) {
            String token = authHeader.substring(7);
            logger.info("Token: " + token);
            logger.info("ServiceId: " + parseServiceId(token));
        } else {
            logger.info("Authorization header is missing or does not contain a Bearer token");

    public String parseServiceId(String token) {
        String[] chunks = token.split("\\.");
        Base64.Decoder decoder = Base64.getUrlDecoder();
        String payload = new String(decoder.decode(chunks[1]));
        JsonObject jsonObject = JsonParser.parseString(payload).getAsJsonObject();
        String clientId = jsonObject.get("client_id").getAsString();
        return clientId;

Output of the call:

2024-07-30 13:32:55 2024-07-30 12:32:55.413 [INFO ] [http-nio-8081-exec-3] o.o.c.o.a.c.v.PolicyController - Token: eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJleGFtcGxlX2lzc3VlciIsInN1YiI6IjEyMzQ1Njc4OTAiLCJhdWQiOiJteWNsaWVudCIsImV4cCI6MzAwMDAwMDAwMCwiY2xpZW50X2lkIjoibXljbGllbnQiLCJyb2xlIjoidXNlciJ9.O5QN_SWN4J1mWKyXk_-PCvOA6GF3ypv1rSdg2uTb_Ls
2024-07-30 13:32:55 2024-07-30 12:32:55.415 [INFO ] [http-nio-8081-exec-3] o.o.c.o.a.c.v.PolicyController - ServiceId: myclient


ClientID coming from the JWT, ServiceID coming in from the body request.


(*) Owner (serviceID) != Creator (clientID)