CPS-1796: Document Kafka Interfaces using AsyncAPI

CPS-1796: Document Kafka Interfaces using AsyncAPI



CPS-1796: Spike: Document Kafka Interfaces using AsyncAPIDelivered


<optional, assumptions are like decision made up front ie. everyone agrees on the answer but they are important to mention>








Issues & Decisions








This is an open issue




Do we need a analysis template?

is convention for (new) developers to guide them

Aug 1, 2022 @Luke Gleeson (Unlicensed) and @Toine Siebelink  agreed we do to have consistent study pages 


This is a very important (blocking issue)



<Note. use green for closed issues, yellow for important ones if needed>




The parser is used to validate AsynAPI documents. AsyncAPI documents can be written in either YAML or JSON. There are parsers available for various programming languages including Go, C# and Javascript. For CPS we would leverage the AsyncAPI Parser Java Wrapper.



A template is a project that specifies the generation process output by using the AsyncAPI generator and an AsyncAPI document. These files describe the generation results depending on the AsyncAPI document's content. Relevant outputs include Code and Documentation.

A template is an independent Node.js project unrelated to the generator repository. There are Java, Java Spring and Java Spring Cloud Stream templates. Templates.



The AsyncAPI generator is a tool that generates anything you want using the AsyncAPI Document and Template that are supplied as inputs to the AsyncAPI CLI. The template can define code, documentation and diagrams among other things to be generated with the generator.



servers: production: url: kafka.bootstrap:{port} protocol: kafka variables: port: default: '9092' enum: - '9092' - '9093'



A channel is a mechanism created by the server for the organization and transmission of messages. Users can define channels as a topic, queue, routing key, path, or subject depending on the protocol used.

channels: event.lighting.measured: publish: bindings: kafka: groupId: my-group operationId: readLightMeasurement message: $ref: '#/components/messages/lightMeasured' subscribe: operationId: updateLightMeasurement message: $ref: '#/components/messages/lightMeasured'


Example AsyncAPI Document

Code Generators

1. ZenWave SDK

ZenWave 360º is a set of tools built on the foundations of Domain Driven Design and API-First principles for Event-Driven Architectures, to help you create software easy to understand.

With ZenWave's spring-cloud-streams3 and jsonschema2pojo sdk plugins you can generate:

  • Strongly typed business interfaces

  • Payload DTOs

  • Header objects from AsyncAPI definitions.

  • It uses Spring Cloud Streams, so it can connect to different brokers via provided binders.


Using the kafka.yml the pom.xml can be configured to create DTO's:

<plugin> <groupId>io.github.zenwave360.zenwave-sdk</groupId> <artifactId>zenwave-sdk-maven-plugin</artifactId> <version>1.3.5</version> <configuration> <skip>false</skip> <inputSpec>${project.basedir}/src/main/resources/asyncapi.yml</inputSpec> <addCompileSourceRoot>true</addCompileSourceRoot> <addTestCompileSourceRoot>true</addTestCompileSourceRoot> </configuration> <executions> <execution> <id>generate-asyncapi-dtos</id> <phase>generate-sources</phase> <goals> <goal>generate</goal> </goals> <configuration> <generatorName>jsonschema2pojo</generatorName> <configOptions> <jsonschema2pojo.removeOldOutput>true</jsonschema2pojo.removeOldOutput> <jsonschema2pojo.useJakartaValidation>true</jsonschema2pojo.useJakartaValidation> <modelPackage>com.example.asyncmethod.models</modelPackage> <apiPackage>com.example.asyncmethod.api</apiPackage> <jsonschema2pojo.useLongIntegers>true</jsonschema2pojo.useLongIntegers> </configOptions> </configuration> </execution> </executions> <dependencies> <dependency> <groupId>io.github.zenwave360.zenwave-sdk.plugins</groupId> <artifactId>asyncapi-spring-cloud-streams3</artifactId> <version>1.3.5</version> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>io.github.zenwave360.zenwave-sdk.plugins</groupId> <artifactId>asyncapi-jsonschema2pojo</artifactId> <version>1.3.5</version> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>jakarta.validation</groupId> <artifactId>jakarta.validation-api</artifactId> <version>3.0.2</version> </dependency> </dependencies> </plugin>



The useJakartaValidation configuration option does not appear to work. This results in generated code using javax.validation that does not always work with Java 17.


Resulting generated class example:


Zenwave SDK Documentation

2. MultiAPI Generator

In order to get this plugin working, you need the following things installed in your computer:

  • Java 11 Version

  • Maven

MultiAPI Generator Documentation


Documentation Generator


Springwolf is  a project inspired by Springfox for the purpose of documenting Asynchronous APIs. Springwolf covers many different protocols.

Springboot listeners are used to generate documentation e.g. @KafkaListener @RabbitListener 

Dependencies used:

Resulting documentation:

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