PortalNG R13 Montreal Release Planning

PortalNG R13 Montreal Release Planning

Child Pages



Target Release Name


Project Lifecycle State


Participating Company 

Deutsche Telekom AG


What is this release trying to address?

The PortalNG is a fork for the community of the portal used by Deutsche Telekom AG. The theme of the work in Montreal is "Hello World". We are working on adapting the PortalNG to the build, test and release processes of the community so that it will be first time part of a release.


There are no formal requirements on the PortalNG project in Montreal.

Minimum Viable Product

The PortalNG will be maintained as bare bones for the entirety of this project.


The project has the following epics:

Longer term roadmap


Release Deliverables


High level architecture diagram

See the PortalNG overview in the ONAP documentation.

Architecture Subcommittee Review

No architectural changes are proposed in the Montreal release so no architecture review is required.

Platform Maturity

See Montreal Release Platform Maturity.

API Incoming Dependencies

No change expected.

API Outgoing Dependencies

Not applicable as of today.

Third Party Products Dependencies

None so far.

Testing and Integration Plans

Testing will follow the processes and plans for the ONAP Montreal release.


No gaps identified at present.

Release Milestone

The milestones are defined at the Release Level and all the supporting project agreed to comply with these dates.

Other Information

Vendor Neutral

The team has removed logos, product names, etc. from the original code base.

"All ONAP deliverables must comply with this rule and be agnostic of any proprietary symbols."

Free and Open Source Software

FOSS activities are critical to the delivery of the whole ONAP initiative. The information may not be fully available at Release Planning, however to avoid late refactoring, it is critical to accomplish this task as early as possible.
List all third party Free and Open Source Software used within the release and provide License type (BSD, MIT, Apache, GNU GPL,... ).
In the case non Apache License are found inform immediately the TSC and the Release Manager and document your reasoning on why you believe we can use a non Apache version 2 license.

Each project must edit its project table available at Project FOSS.

Charter Compliance

The project team complies with the ONAP Charter.