Ingress provider options

Ingress provider options

This page discusses the options for the _ingress.tpl to generate different resources:


→ In the current implementation the template is able to generate only for nginx and Istio GW/VS
→ for each ingress definition for each VS a separate GW is created, which is generally not correct.
    Instead a single GW should be provided, which should be used by all VCs

→ if a "commonGW" is used, the GW needs to be created during the Ingress setup phase (described in OOM documentation)


  • Create new "global.Ingress" option to select the provider resource (Ingress, Istio, GW-API)

  • For "Ingress" provide setting for the class (e.g. nginx, traefik)

  • Provide a "shared Gateway" name as option, which is refered by the VC/HTTPRoute,...

Istio-Ingress Provider

Options: no commonGW (not optimal or wrong) → currently implemented

Special case: TCP Routes (e.g. Kafka)

Options: commonGW → needs to be checked, if it is working

Gateway-API Provider

Options: commonGW

Special case: TCP Routes (e.g. Kafka)

Special case: UDP Routes (e.g. DCAE SNMP Trap collector)

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