R11 Control Loop Policy and Message Formats

R11 Control Loop Policy and Message Formats

A detailed overview of the R11 Kohn release enhancements for the SON Use Case was presented in the LFN DTF on Nov 18, 2022.

Please see: 2022-11 - ONAP: 5G SON Use Case enhancements for Kohn Release - LF Networking - LF Networking Confluence

Here are links to the slides and recordings:

Slides: https://wiki.lfnetworking.org/download/attachments/80281686/LFN_DTF_Nov18_ONAP_SON_R11.pdf?version=1&modificationDate=1668811840000&api=v2

Recording: https://wiki.lfnetworking.org/download/attachments/80281686/video1806089153.mp4?version=1&modificationDate=1668811891000&api=v2 

contact: @Jorge Hernandez 

The changes for SON Use Case Control Loop Policies and Message Formats are documented in: POLICY-4108: Control Loop Policy for A1-based action for SON Use CaseClosed

Generated flow of messages from policy standpoint for O1 and A1 flows:

Operational policies for O1 and A1

The control loop message formats for the A1 ANR message and the O1 PCI message are given below:

#ANR message { "closedLoopControlName":"ControlLoop-SONA1-7d4baf04-8875-4d1f-946d-06b874048b61", "closedLoopAlarmStart":1606805921693, "closedLoopEventClient":"microservice.PCI", "closedLoopEventStatus":"ONSET", "target":"pnf.pnf-name", "from":"PCIMS", "version":"1.0.2", "policyName":"SONA1", "policyVersion":"1.0.2", "target_type":"PNF" "requestID":"82feb01e-4f3e-40e2-b8df-683adabae893", "AAI":{ "generic-vnf.prov-status":"ACTIVE", "generic-vnf.is-closed-loop-disabled":"false", "pnf.pnf-name":"cucpserver2" }, "Action": "putA1Policy", #This provides hook for operation policy to forward to A1-PMS. #Following payload forwarded as is from Poicy to A1-PMS to A1-Termination "payload": “{ "action": "CreatePolicy", /{CreatePolicy/DeletePolcy/GetPolicyStatus} "policy_id": 1, "policy_type_id": 1, "ric_id": "22", "policy_data": { "PNFName": "cucpserver2", "PLMNID": "ran-1", "CellID": "15549", "neighbours": [{ "PNFName": "cucpserver2", "PLMNID": "ran-1", "CellID": "14427", "ho-kpi1": 100 }, { "PNFName": "cucpserver2", "PLMNID": "ran-1", "CellID": "15548", "ho-kpi1": 90 }] } }” } #PCI message { "closedLoopControlName":"ControlLoop-SONO1-fb41f388-a5f2-11e8-98d0-529269fb1459", "closedLoopAlarmStart":1606806580487, "closedLoopEventClient":"microservice.PCI", "closedLoopEventStatus":"ONSET", "target":"pnf.pnf-name", "from":"PCIMS", "version":"1.0.2", "policyName":"SONO1", "policyVersion":"1.0.2", "target_type":"PNF", "requestID":"427e68b6-3946-4cc6-bbf9-602aff28ac3a", "AAI":{ "generic-vnf.prov-status":"ACTIVE", "generic-vnf.is-closed-loop-disabled":"false", "pnf.pnf-name":"ncserver1" }, "Action":"ModifyO1Config", #Action ModifyO1Config sends the message and payload to SDN-R #following payload is process in SDNR Directed Graph by netconf client "payload": "{ .. O1 based payload for PCI flow is same as R10 Jakarta release}" }