DEMOS - R10 Jakarta Demos

DEMOS - R10 Jakarta Demos

Submissions are open until: Sep 9, 2022 

The ONAP TSC will review the demo submissions and select up to three of their favorites to receive an award. No specific guidelines on technical merit vs. ease of understanding, etc. are provided.

Teams or individuals wishing to submit their demo(s) for consideration must add their entry to the table below

Demo Name

Demo Details

Demo Materials

Demo Name

Demo Details

Demo Materials

EXAMPLE - DO NOT REMOVE or edit this row 

Please copy this row and paste it to bottom of table if required

Name of Demo

Description :  A 1-paragraph description of the demo

Demo Team :  list anyone that worked on the demo using wiki "@" tags - (Individuals must have received direct attribution as a contributor on the demo's cover slide) - Solo submissions are OK

Projects : which ONAP projects are highlighted  e.g.: DCAE, Policy, OOF

Demo Date : use // macro

Logistics : Location of demo, lab resources utilized, etc. as appropriate

Slides :  attach a PDF version slides, or a link to a PDF version of the slidesc

Recording :  attach a the recording of the demo, or a link to the recording - MUST CONTAIN THE DEMO NAME

Wiki Page: link to the ONAP WIKI page for the demo or project if relevant

Description :  

Demonstrate the work that has been done in the ORAN SC community to create an E2E package that spans across multiple community projects (ORAN, ONAP,...) in order to create a workable environment to deploy the ORAN SMO using ONAP components

Demo Team :  

@Gervais-Martial Ngueko 

@Sebastien Determe 


Projects :

all ONAP projects given it is about deploying the whole ONAP platform.

Demo Date : Jun 14, 2022 

Logistics : Demo done at linux DDF event at Porto-Portugal

Slides LFN DDF Porto - 5G SBP ORAN SMO Package_v5.pdf


Wiki Page: N/A