Commiter Promotion Request for Marcin Krasowski
Commiter Promotion Request for Marcin Krasowski
Contributors Name: @marcin krasowski
Contributors LFID: mkrasowski
Contributor's Location & Timezone: CET/CEST
Link(s) demonstrating the Contributor's established history of meritocratic contributions to the project:
Jira Activity
Documentation Contributions
Code & Review Contributions
List of current Committers (as documented here: Resources and Repositories )
Catherine Lefevre | Katel34 | catherine.lefevre AT intl.att.com |
Morgan Richomme | mrichomme | morgan.richomme AT orange.com |
Bartek Grzybowski | b.grzybowski | b.grzybowski AT partner.samsung.com |
Krzysztof Kuzmicki | kkuzmick | krzysztof.kuzmicki AT nokia.com |
Andreas Geissler | andreasgeissler | Andreas-Geissler AT telekom.de |
Michał Jagiełło | MichalJagielloTMPL | michal.jagiello AT t-mobile.pl |
Lukasz Rajewski | rajewluk | lukasz.rajewski AT orange.com |
Illia Halych | elihalych | illia.halych AT t-mobile.pl |
Alexander Mazuruk | aalexanderr | a.mazuruk AT samsung.com |
Vote result
Poll - Commiter promotion for Marcin Krasowski - Framadate
Repositories Committer should be granted permissions to:
integration/**/* repos
demo/* repos
testsuite/* repos