Local Setup Using Docker
From docker-compose folder run the following after building the images locally
VERSION=latest DB_USERNAME=cps DB_PASSWORD=cps docker-compose up -d
This starts both cps and postgres containers.
Note: Checkout the README.md in docker-compose folder for detailed steps.
Setup schema in DB
Liquibase auto creates the schema on startup (when CPS-NCMP runs).
Set environment variables with relevant connection details which can be found in application.yml in cps-application/resources folder:
export CPS_USERNAME=cpsuser
export CPS_PASSWORD=cpsr0cks!
export DMI_USERNAME=cpsuser
export DMI_PASSWORD=cpsr0cks!
Running the project
This option is if you have a local PostgreSQL running.
From the cps folder run the following command :
java -DDB_HOST=localhost -DDB_USERNAME=cps -DDB_PASSWORD=cps -jar cps-application/target/cps-application-x.y.z-SNAPSHOT.jar
NB. On Linux use IP address of a container instead of localhost
From the cps\cps-application folder run the following command:
Setting up SDNC, CPS & NCMP, DMI-Plugin and netconf-pnp-simulator locally:
Download the following zip file and extract it.
File to be downloaded : docker.zip
Navigate to the folder where the files were extracted and run the below command
Docker compose command from sim folder
If you wish to only run certain containers, comment out the lines in the run_all.sh file that bring up those containers.