ONAP R8 Resource IM Call 2021-5-24
General Information:
Date and Time: 2021, May 24th, 9pm~10pm Beijing Time, 9am~10am US Eastern
Meeting Room: https://zoom.us/j/97595070639
Meeting Recording: zoom_0.mp4
Meeting Chat Log: meeting_saved_chat.txt
Agenda bashing - 5 minutes
Model Proposals
ETSI CNF support - ? minutes
CNF runtime model - ? minutes
PNF instance model - ? minutes
CPS model - 0 minutes
Topology model - 0 minutes
Modeling Documentation - 0 minutes
Model proposals:
Modeling requirements:
Related information:
Clean/Approved models:
Model Specification:
Agenda bashing
reminder for filling R9 high level requirements: https://lf-onap.atlassian.net/wiki/display/DW/ONAP+R9+Modeling+High+Level+Requirements
intent based network modeling postponed to Tuesday, due to holiday in Canada
Joint call with use case realization team
R9 use case & requirements: https://wiki.onap.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=99681185
schedule of use case realization call: https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/Use+Case+Realization+Meeting+Register+MoM
major use cases of ONAP: https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/ONAP+Major+Use+Cases
next step:
Ben will help invite use case owners to have a presentation in the following modeling calls
Model Proposals
ETSI support for CNF model
R9 DM proposal: https://lf-onap.atlassian.net/wiki/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=16463007
aligned with SOL001 v4.2.1, package format is still under discussion
will ask for approval after SOL001 v4.2.1 is stable
a proposal of updating the information model documentation is planned in R9
latest updates:
Thinh has presented the alternative package solution in the CNF taskforce call, could be discussed in future calls
CNF requirements collaboration pending discussions as well, could be discussed in this week's CNF taskforce call
CNF runtime model
for Istanbul: add some necessary information as an enhancement of vf-module, to allow components to query k8s objects
for Jarkata: define a cnf-module, to store information like compute (pod), storage, etc.
the two sub-proposals can co-exist
to collaborate with CNF (design time) model team, the use case may have an impact on the run-time model for Jarkata release
keep in mind that removing AAI model is hard, so backward compatibility should be considered
Jacqueline will help investigate how the proposal can be put into the papyrus and model specs (Konrad will have a discussion with A&AI team tomorrow)
5G service / CPS model
PNF instance model
reverse engineering
feedback to A&AI team:
some relationship lack description, and the existing description may not be meaningful enough
Topology model
Proposal: https://lf-onap.atlassian.net/wiki/display/DW/Abstract+Topology+Model
Martin will update the models with the IM sketch
Model Sketch: https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/Proposed+Topology+IM+Sketch
inspired by TAPI model to add "link", "connection" classes
looking at ORAN use cases and see if the models can fulfill the requirements
TAPI presentation may be found here: otcc2019.KS.002_TAPI_Concepts_Topology_Connectivity.pptx
Andy has helped to create a high level requirement for the topology model
expecting ORAN to provide relavent use cases
Martin and Andy are aware of the different views of topology model presented last week by Cagatay
mainly triggered by ORAN WG10, also related to WG1's slicing use case, etc.
how to model different layers, physical, logical topology, etc.? current methodology is using UML/papyrus to capture the models
Latest updates:
Martin is working on the TAPI model, and has discussed with the SON use case team to receive feedback from them
Modeling Documentation
gendoc template discussion:
whether the description only applies for a navigatable end of an association
add relationship documentation to the UML guideline: ONAPMODEL-28: Using the Documentation Property for RelationshipsOpen
UML principle wiki page:
Principle and Guideline for Information Model Proposal Using Papyrus (Draft)
review the updates to the Gendoc requirements part
Michela suggest whether it's possible to add information of associations into the class definitions
Xu will investigate it offline
Using Papyrus for Modeling updates