How to run the Front-End GUI

How to run the Front-End GUI

This page will demonstrate how to get the REACT GUI running on the local developer machine.

Prerequisites to running the UI

  1. Building and running CLAMP

  2. Go to the clamp directory

  3. Inside the clamp directory go to /clamp/extra/bin-for-dev

    ./start-db.sh test

  4. Check docker container id

    docker ps

  5. Log into docker container

    docker exec -it 'container_id' bash

  6. Go into mariadb shell

  7. Enter password


  8. Go into cldsdb4 database

  9. Verify if there is data in the following table 'loop_templates'

  10. If for some reason the database is empty do the go to the '/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/dump' directory

  11. Once the database is up and running need to start the clamp emulator, by running the following command inside the /clamp/extra/bin-for-dev

  12. Start the backend service by running the command inside the /clamp/extra/bin-for-dev

Checking out and building the UI

  1. Checkout UI from the repo.

  2. Change into the "gui-clamp" directory.

  3. Build the UI

  4. Go to the following directory 'ui-react'

  5. Start the front end UI

  6. * If you get an error such as 'npm ERR! code ENOENT' modify the package.json "start": "HTTPS=true react-scripts start" to "start": "set HTTPS=true && react-scripts start",

  7. Once the UI starts at localhost:3000 it will ask for credentials: 
    Login: admin
    Password: password