ONAP Service IM Minutes 20210224

ONAP Service IM Minutes 20210224

Wed UTC: 12:00 / China 20:00  / Eastern: 07:00 (Happen every other week)

https://zoom.us/j/99340453185, passcode: 654833. Or click 



@guochuyi @Byung-Woo Jun @Fei Zhang (Ericsson) @Kamel Idir


  1. ETSI Network Service for 5G Network Slicing / ETSI Alignment
    ETSI Network Service for 5G Network Slicing   

  2. R8 E2E Network Slicing case modeling work 
    Modeling enhancements in Honolulu
    Modeling enhancements


  1. Agenda Bashing

  2. ETSI Network Service for 5G Network Slicing / ETSI Alignment

    1. NSD will not have many changes for I release.

    2. CNF work for I release: Current CNF related description is  mixed with VNFD in ETSI, Nokia has a proposal to separate them away and introduce new CNFD. ETSI is still under discussion, ONAP I release changes will follow the conclusion of it.

    3. In ONAP, there also needs some discussion, for example, how to handle the impact of direct path if it doesn't need VNFD?

    4. E2E Network Slicing case seeks CNF-based solution, Guilin release utilized existed implementation of SDC, future releases can use the fruit of ONAP CNF works to model subnet resource models. 

  3. R8 E2E Network Slicing case modeling work 

    1. EP solution for H release doesn't have many changes in modeling, only adding resoureSharingLevel to TN NSSMF, major works are on UUI, OOF and TN NSSMF development.

