ONAP R8 Resource IM Call 2021-1-18
General Information:
Date and Time: 2021, Jan 18th, 9pm~10pm Beijing Time, 8am~9am US Eastern
Meeting Room: https://zoom.us/j/97595070639
Meeting Recording:
Meeting Chat Log:
Agenda bashing - 5 minutes
Model Proposals
allotted resource - 2 minutes
5G service - 0 minutes
ETSI CNF support - 10 minutes
PNF instance model - 0 minutes
CPS model - 0 minutes
Modeling Documentation - 0 minutes
Model proposals:
Modeling requirements:
Related information:
Clean/Approved models:
Agenda bashing
APs from previous meetings:
Jacqueline to submit papyrus changes for the approved location model and CPS model
Ben to submit papyrus changes for VES 7.2
Jacqueline and Ben both met issues on wrong emails, suggest to check the settings or try the git bash tool instead to go around the problem
Model Proposals
allotted resource
service model discussion has concluded, the discussion can be resumed
ETSI support for CNF model
ETSI IFA011 v3.3.1 & v4.1.1 Changes to support OsContainer based VNFs
comments from last time:
need to double check the class "VnfLcmOperationCoordination", if that's aligned with IFA
@Fernando Oliveira VnfLcmOperationCoordination is a new Information element that was introduced in IFA011 v3.3.1 https://www.etsi.org/deliver/etsi_gs/NFV-IFA/001_099/011/03.03.01_60/gs_nfv-ifa011v030301p.pdf section 7.1.6 page 73. SOL001 v3.3.1 does not yet support this datatype and functionality.
modify the note, change "Vnfd" to "Vdu"
related DM model: VNF/CNF Data Model Based on ETSI v3.3.1 SOL001 plus CNF Enhancements
joint session in February DDF: https://wiki.lfnetworking.org/display/LN/2021+February+Developer+Topic+Proposals#id-2021FebruaryDeveloperTopicProposals-ONAPETSINFVjointcontainerdatamodelworkshopandlatestmodelingsubcommitteeprocessupdate
Thinh has two suggestions:
1) to have the joint session the same time slot as resource IM call (8am US eastern)
2) suggest Fred/Byung-woo or the IM team to submit a contribution to ETSI NFV SOL WG for data model discussion
5G service
last Thursday's use case call has related discussion, suggest people who are interested in the topic to look at it
Ben will arrange a joint session with use case people next Thursday (Jan 28th), suggest the modeling people to join
PNF instance model
Modeling Documentation
R6 readthedocs review:
gendoc template improvement: ONAP Information Model - Gendoc Examples
discussion whether the description only applies for a navigatable end of an association
continue discussion later
add relationship documentation to the UML guideline: https://lf-onap.atlassian.net/browse/ONAPMODEL-28
UML principle wiki page:
Principle and Guideline for Information Model Proposal Using Papyrus (Draft)
review the updates to the Gendoc requirements part
Michela suggest whether it's possible to add information of associations into the class definitions
Xu will investigate it offline
Using Papyrus for Modeling updates
suggest to further discuss the version recommended after Jacqueline come back