[aai] Team ONAP10, Tue UTC 13:00 / China 21:00 / Eastern 09:00 / Pacific 06:00

[aai] Team ONAP10, Tue UTC 13:00 / China 21:00 / Eastern 09:00 / Pacific 06:00

Topic: #aai Developers (UTC)
Every week on Tue, until Jun 22, 2021, 27 occurrence(s)
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Weekly: https://zoom.us/meeting/uZYkdeuhqzsic-rD2I8gnxgrbmSQAPadXw/ics?icsToken=98tyKu2qpzkoE9GVuFzta60tE5nlb-Hyi3IDuIcPtUfiDThUcAH7BdNjArN7KM-B

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