Milestones for Understanding and Documenting CDS

Milestones for Understanding and Documenting CDS

We want to achieve an end to end knowledge and documentation about CDS.

For  this we have set up the following milestones. Estimated amount of work marked with stars from  to .

  1. Overview about all functionalities and capabilities of CDS 

  2. Overview about all API endpoints in CDS and documentation including sample requests/responses 

  3. Interaction between CDS and other ONAP Components (e.g. SDC, SO) 

  4. Overview about different Components of CDS (e.g. UI, Design Time, Runtime) 

  5. CDS Designer (in Future) 

  6. How is a CBA structured, how is a CBA processed 

If other milestones comes to your mind or you have some information which already covers the milestones please leave comments.

1: Overview about functionalities of CDS

  • Creating Blueprints:

- Provides an UI for creating CBAs to avoid creating CBAs manually (currently deprecated, but will be enabled with Designer UI in future).
- Blueprints in CDS can be used as artifacts for SDC resources, e.g. during macro instantiation to get instantiation parameters
- Blueprints can contain workflows which can be run inside ONAP. Workflows are kind of functions, can be called inside ONAP instance, e.g. to get some values from ONAP components
- Blueprints can contain Python/Kotlin scripts which can be used inside ONAP. Scripts do the same like workflows, currently Python & Kotlin, in future also C++

  • Doing Resource Resolution (A resource is a variable/parameter in the context of the service):

- Data-dictionaries are added to CDS to provide a reusable way to fetch data from various sources (rest, input, db etc)
- Templates are filled by requested data from data dictionaries

  • Providing asynch HTTP and gRPC API to communicate with Blueprint Processor. This can be used for running some actions like enriching a blueprint.
    E.g. there are some pythons clients which use CDS with gRPC for resource resolution.

2. Overview about all API endpoints in CDS and documentation including sample requests/responses

BP Processor API Reference is uploaded, just needs further refinement in future.


3. Interaction between CDS and other ONAP Components

4. Overview about different Components of CDS (e.g. UI, Design Time, Runtime) 

5. CDS Designer (in Future)

Guide for creating "Hello World" available here: How to create a “Hello World” Package with CDS Designer UI?

needs further documentation

6. How is a CBA structured, how is a CBA processed

Simple workflow how to proceed is available here: https://docs.onap.org/projects/onap-ccsdk-cds/en/latest/api-reference/bp-processor.html#workflow-tutorial

Still need to be figured out how a CBA is structured and proceeded internally.