2020-04-07 ONAP Architecture Meeting (Copy)

2020-04-07 ONAP Architecture Meeting (Copy)

Meeting logistics: Tuesdays 14:00 UTC -  https://zoom.us/j/608270884

Meeting Agenda

1- General Architecture Items

  1.  Topic ONAP Footprint Reduction POC

    1. Sponsors: Seshu

    2. 1st Presentation: 30-45 min

    3. Jira - ONAPARC-574: Tracking Jira for 07-Apr-2020 review - ONAP Footprint reductionOpen

3- Guilin -R7 Architecture Reviews

  1. Guilin-R7 ArchCom Reviews

    1. when and How

    2. Docs/Forms required

    3. etc...

4- Weekly Updates


    1. ONAP Architecture Documentation: a placeholder for a weekly status update (Weekly update     ) –

      Chaker, Seshu, Ciaran, Ben, Andy, Adrian and others

    2. Continue the discussion about the landing page for ONAP Docs

5- Last Minute Items, Open Discussion

  • Guilin-R7 Reviews

6 - Current Release Arch Review Tracking - when available

Meeting Minutes and Referenced Materials

key summary description status resolution

Recording:2020-04-07 ArchCom Recording