November 21 (Copy)
Topics covered:
Common Parser (Atul)
People liked the microservices-based approach
Referred to Modeling project, which is working on something similar
Image Manager (LiZi)
Image manager for VNF image distribution
ARC conceptually liked the approach
Discussion with VNFSDK/SDC needed to clarify the onboarding flow.
System Architecture Survey (Jason)
Please send feedback by the end of the week. Jason will send out the survey by Monday.
Resiliency synthesis (Chris)
general agreement to prefer Consul for service discovery/failure detection/kv storage/etc for HA features
CHAP team to speak with OOM team (and maybe SDNC) regarding whether to become part of OOM or to propose a new project
RT Catalog (Maopeng)
Discussed potential runtime catalog.
Interaction with other components was unclear. Maopeng to work with Steve offline.
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