ARC ESR Component Description - Frankfurt (Copy)

ARC ESR Component Description - Frankfurt (Copy)


ESR (External System Register):

1 High Level Component Definition and Architectural Relationships 

Provides management of external Systems.  It provides

  • The capability to register exernal systems

  • The capability to test the health of external systems

  • Update AAI of the status of external systems

  • Provide GUI to manage external systems

2. API definitions

ESR provides the following interfaces:

Interface Name

Interface Definition

 Interface Capabilities

Interface Name

Interface Definition

 Interface Capabilities


System Register Interface. 

An manage the registration of external systems:

  • VIM register/query/update/delete

  • VNFM register/query/update/delete

  • EMS register/query/update/delete

  • third party SDC register/query/update/delete


ESR Graphical User Interfaces 

Provides a GUI interface to manage the external system register information

Note:   xxxI interface is a Component internal interface.  xxxxE interface is a component external interface

The current API documents can be found at:

ESR consumes the following Interfaces:

Interface Name

Purpose Reason For Use

Interface Name

Purpose Reason For Use

AAIE-1 (Inventary service)

To store and retrieve external system register information in the inventory.

MCE-5 (Infra Provider Registery) interface

To inform MC of the registration of a new VIM 

3. Component Description:

A more detailed figure and description of the component.

<< For later inclusion >>

4. known system limitations

  •  -

5. Used Models

ESR uses the following models:

  • -

6. System Deployment Architecture

ESR consists of 1 containers:

  • ESR server container

7. New Capabilities in this Release

This release, ESR adds the following Capabilities:

  • The ability to register and delete the cloud region via the ESR GUI

  • Ability to read the status of the multicloud multicloud registration/deregistration process

  • The ability to register multiple tennants for a cloud region

  • Enhance ESR to support kubernetes based cloud regions

8. References

  1.  ESR Desciption: https://docs.onap.org/en/casablanca/submodules/aai/esr-server.git/docs/platform/architecture.html