2020-04-21 ONAP ArchCom Virtual Event Presentation

2020-04-21 ONAP ArchCom Virtual Event Presentation

Tuesday April 21, 2010 - (15:00 UTC)

2020 Additional Goals:

  1. Close collaboration with other ONAP Subcommittees

  2. API Documentations

  3. ONAPDOCS Landing Page


1-  Architecture General Topics (Chaker)

2- Documentation Collaboration (Eric) - 5 min

  • Collaboration with Documentation to embed content in ReadTheDocs and avoid duplication

    • Clickable Architecture included in ReadTheDocs using SVG interactive file:

  • Collaboration with Modeling to embed API Documentation

    • Using recos from API Documentation Working Group

    • API ReDoc Documentation example for External API: https://docs.onap.org/en/latest/submodules/externalapi/nbi.git/docs/offeredapis/offeredapis.html#api-redoc-documentation

    • Easy to implement using RST raw html directive including some javascript file.

      =================== API Service Catalog =================== .. raw:: html :file: api_serviceCatalog.js .. raw:: html :file: redoc.js

      api_serviceCatalog.js => include the URL to fetch the Swagger JSON file
      redoc.js => include the javascript code to display content according to ReDoc

  • Collaboration with OOM and Integration projects

    • Prototype to describe all K8S services deployed for full ONAP

    • Based on real deployment, static information with links towards K8S cluster

3- Modeling Collaboration (Andy)  - 5 min

4- SECCOM Collaboration (Amy/Pawel) - 5 min

Meeting Minutes and Referenced Materials

key summary description status resolution

Recording:2020-04-21 ArchCom Recording