Frankfurt Docker Agent Video Artifacts

Frankfurt Docker Agent Video Artifacts

The Video: AAF Agent Configuration: demo AAF-Hello

The demo uses a combo of Aliases and Functions in AAF OOM's .bash_aliases.  These elements used are included here in case it is helpful.


# Show K8s status of various AAF Core elements

while :; do clear; kubectl get node,pod,service,deployments,pv,pvc -n onap -o wide; sleep 5; done

# Get the "Hello" pod
kubectl get pod -n onap | grep aaf-hello | grep -v Terminating | cut -f 1 -d " "

# Get the Description of Hello
kdesc $(ohello)
kubectl -n onap describe pod $POD $*

Ensure Hello has (replicas) running - use to turn on/off
kubectl -n onap scale --replicas=$2 deployment.extensions/frankfurt-aaf-hello

# Get the logs on the Hello MS itself
klog $(ohello)
kubectl -n onap log $POD $*

# Get the logs on the Hello container
kubectl -n onap log $POD -c aaf-hello-config-container $*

# Get a Bash prompt for Hello
kbash $(ohello)
kubectl -n onap exec -it $POD -- /bin/bash -c "cd /opt/app && exec /bin/bash $*"