AAF docker installation

AAF docker installation


This document will illustrates how to build and deploy all AAF components.

Clone AAF Code:

bharath@bharath:~$ git clone https://git.onap.org/aaf/authz

Build AAF with settings.xml:

Copy the settings.xml from here and paste in ~/.m2/settings.xml

Then run the following command

bharath@bharath:~$ cd authz && mvn clean install -DskipTests

If the build is successful, then you can see a folder in "authz/auth" called "aaf_VERSION-SNAPSHOT" which contains all binaries of the components

bharath@bharath:~/authz/auth$ ls aaf_2.1.1-SNAPSHOT auth-cass auth-cmd auth-deforg auth-gui auth-locate auth-service pom.xml target auth-batch auth-certman auth-core auth-fs auth-hello auth-oauth docker sample

Build Docker Images:

Now after building binaries, the next step is to build docker images for each aaf component.

The above command will build the following images:

  • aaf_service

  • aaf_oauth

  • aaf_locate

  • aaf_hello

  • aaf_gui

  • aaf_fs

  • aaf_cm

Modify the  properties file:

Modify the contents of the "authz/auth/docker/d.props

Replace the <HOSTNAME>  with your hostname and HOST_IP with your host IP.

Add  the following entry to your /etc/hosts file

Mount the sample to /opt/app/osaaf:

As you can see there is a parameter "CONF_ROOT_DIR" which is set to "/opt/app/osaaf". So we have to create a folder "/opt/app/osaaf" and copy the contents of authz/auth/sample to /opt/app/osaaf

Bring up the cassandra docker container:

As drun.sh script needs a link to the container in which the cassandra is running. So have the cassandra container installed before running the script.

Run the docker containers: