DCAE R6 M1 Release Planning
Project Name | Enter the name of the project |
Target Release Name | Frankfurt |
Project Lifecycle State | Incubation. Refer to ONAP Charter, section 3.3 Project Lifecycle for further information |
Participating Company | AT&T, Nokia, Ericsson, Wipro, IBM, TechM, Orange, ChinaMobile, Huawei |
What is this release trying to address?
High Level Summary
- Addressing one of the long term goal to simplify the onboarding experience for MS in DCAE. Introducing new MicroService, Onboarding & Design (MOD) Platform in DCAE for Frankfurt, which will replace DCAE-DS currently under SDC
- Policy Integration : Enable update flow support via Dmaap
- Acumos-DCAE Adapter Integration (POC)
- Support ONAP usecases, functional requirement targeted for Frankfurt
- Addressing DCAE back logs (El-ALTO - Tracker) + security fixes
Following new services is targeted for R6 additions.
- PM-Subscription Handler
- TCA-gen2
SDK Enhancement
- Dmaap pub/sub
- Configbindingservice
Enhancement to existing DCAE components
- VES Collector (security)
- PRH (common sdk)
- SON-handler
- DFC (security)
Frankfurt Features with DCAE Impact
- Self-Serve Control Loops
- Policy Update Notifications
- 5G / OOF SON Enhancement
- 5G / Run-time Data Persistency
- Modeling: 5G / ORAN & 3GPP Standards Harmonization
- 5G / Bulk PM / PM Control
- 5G / Bulk PM / Secure Communication between xNFs and ONAP
- 5G / PM dictionary
- PNF / Plug and Play
Non-Functional Requirement
- VESCollector Enhancements
- DCAEGEN2-1594 – VESCollector healthcheck support when authentication is enabled; Validation blocked by DCAEGEN2-1757 – spring version issue
- DCAEGEN2-1483 – Event publish order issue
- DCAEGEN2-1484 - Set dynamic partitionkey (stretch goal)
- DCAEGEN2-1774 - Optimize VES schema load by retain in-memory than loading file each time (dint find corresponding jira, created new today)
- DCAEGEN2-608 - Performance/benchmarking
- DCAEGEN2-1776 - Remove certOnly and basicAuth from authentication methods
- DCAEGEN2-1779 - Switch VES collector's K8s health checks to HTTPS
- TCA-gen2 delivery and replace TCA/cdap (DCAEGEN2-1907)
- Mongodb support for tca-gen2
- Deployment optimization (Plugin load, reduce bootstrap,
Cloudify upgrade) Python 3.x Plugin upgrade (5.0.5 - Cloudify mock available; 5.1 – full python 3.x)- Python 3.x support (DCAEGEN2-1519)
- DCAEGEN2-1548 - Python 3.x upgrade for Policy Lib
- DCAE Dashboard Fixes and security updates
- Automated test improvement (csit/robot)
- DCAE Helm chart org (OOM-1574)
- Multi-site registry alignment (DCAEGEN2-1879) - (stretch goal)
- DCAE TLS init container improvement
- DCAEGEN2-917 - Dynamic cert generation through AAF
- REQ-136 - CMP-v2 cert generation support
- OTI Phase1 (contribute new platform component) (DCAEGEN2-1908)
- OTI Integration impacts following components (k8splugin, stateful set support, OTI-handler, OTI-EventProc, CBS*, kube2pyconsul, PG*, Nginxproxy, bp-gen). For Frankfurt, OTI-Handler and OTI-Event proc component seed code will be delivered and integrated with ONAP CI process. The full platform integration will be deferred to Guilin release.
- DL Handlers integration DCAEGEN2-1849
- MOD Integration DCAEGEN2-1852
- Sonar coverage improvement (60% target for Frankfurt) (stretch goal)
- dcaegen2-analytics-tca-gen2 – 56% (DCAEGEN2-1900)
- dcaegen2-collectors-snmptrap – 56% (DCAEGEN2-1903)
- dcaegen2-platform-inventory-api – 58% (DCAEGEN2-1906)
- dcaegen2-platform-plugins – 56% (DCAEGEN2-1904)
- dcaegen2-services-heartbeat – 57% (DCAEGEN2-1902)
- dcaegen2-services-son-handler – 55% (DCAEGEN2-1905)
- ccsdk-dashboard – 42.5% (DCAEGEN2-1901)
- Outstanding OJSI Jira (OJSI Tickets Status)
- Java 11 Upgrade (DCAEGEN2-1918) (stretch goal)
- Following additional TSC MUST have requirement will be handled in this release.
- Document current upgrade component strategy
- SECCOM Perform Software Composition Analysis - Vulnerability tables
- SECCOM Password removal from OOM HELM charts
- No DCAE impacts identified; will handle new charts contribution for MOD to align with Security needs.
SECCOM HTTPS communication vs. HTTP
config-binding-service 30415 dashboard 30418
Platform Maturity
Platform Maturity (i.e., S3P items) Frankfurt Release Platform Maturity
Green color → Target level ( details see Platform Maturity below)
- Performance: Level 1
- Stability: Level 2
- Resiliency: Level 2
- Security: Level 1+
- Scalability: Level 1
- Manageability: Level 1+
- Usability: Level 1+
Minimum Viable Product
The MVP of DCAE will include the necessary subcomponents supporting the primary objectives: meeting platform maturity goals and supporting the use cases.
- Cloudify Manager
- Consul (deployed/managed by OOM)
- DeploymentHander
- Policy-Handler
- ServiceChangeHandler
- Inventory-API
- Postgres
- ConfigBinding Service
- Dashboard
- genprocessor
- webui
- distributorapi
- runtimeapi
- onboardingapi
- blueprint-generator
DCAE Service specific components
- VESCollector
- TCA (Analytics application)/TCA-gen2
List the functionalities that this release is committing to deliver by providing a link to JIRA Epics and Stories. In the JIRA Priority field, specify the priority (either High, Medium, Low). The priority will be used in case de-scoping is required. Don't assign High priority to all functionalities.
Longer term roadmap
DCAE is the collection and analytics platform serving ONAP. Improving upon the DCAE MS catalog to add new services for data collection, analytics and the number of open/close control loops.
Other long term goal includes below
- PNDA integration and facilitating application deployment via Helm.
Release Deliverables
Indicate the outcome (Executable, Source Code, Library, API description, Tool, Documentation, Release Note...) of this release.
Deliverable Name | Deliverable Description |
Component spec | All ms added into DCAE should provide meta data representation of the component itself; will be used to generate design flow under MOD and enable blueprint generation |
blueprints | Executable/SourceCode |
plugins | SourceCode |
cli | SourceCode/Tool/Documentation |
deployment-handler | SourceCode/Docker image |
servicechange-handler | SourceCode/Docker image |
inventory-api | SourceCode/Docker image |
policy-handler | SourceCode/Docker image |
configbinding | SourceCode/Docker image |
ves | SourceCode/Docker image |
snmptrap | SourceCode/Docker image |
tca | SourceCode/jar/Docker image |
hv-ves-collector | SourceCode/jar/Docker image |
data-file-collector | SourceCode/jar/Docker image |
prh | SourceCode/jar/Docker image |
dcae-mod | SourceCode/jar/Docker image/Documentation |
pmsh | SourceCode/jar/Docker image |
tca-gen2 | SourceCode/jar/Docker image |
List all sub-components part of this release. Activities related to sub-components must be in sync with the overall release.
Sub-components are repositories and are consolidated in a single centralized place. Edit the Resouce and Repositories in the centralized page.
In addition to existing platform/service component, following new components are targeted for Frankfurt.
Deliverable | Repository | Maven Group ID | Components Description |
pmsh | dcaegen2/services | org.onap.dcaegen2.services.pmsh | PM Subscription Handler |
tca-gen2 | dcaegen2/analytics/tca-gen2 | org.onap.dcaegen2.analytics.tca-gen2 | Standalone TCA |
ONAP Dependencies
List the other ONAP projects you depend on.
DCAE depends on the the following components as part of the general ONAP architecture:
- AAI: DCAE MS retrieves and updates VNF data from/to AAI
- DMaaP: Message bus for communication with other components in the solution
- Policy - For managing application configuration policy
- CLAMP - For CL flow related MS instantiation and configuration
- OOF - For SON handler support
High level architecture diagram
At that stage within the Release, the team is expected to provide more Architecture details describing how the functional modules are interacting.
Indicate where your project fit within the ONAP Archiecture diagram.
Block and sequence diagrams showing relation within the project as well as relation with external components are expected.
Anyone reading this section should have a good understanding of all the interacting modules.
Platform Maturity
Refering to CII Badging Security Program and Platform Maturity Requirements, fill out the table below by indicating the actual level , the targeted level for the current release and the evidences on how you plan to achieve the targeted level.
Area | Actual Level | Targeted Level for current Release | How, Evidences | Comments |
Performance | 1 | 1 |
| |
Stability | 2 | 2 |
| |
Resiliency | 2 | 2 |
| |
Security | 1 | 1+ (Most DCAE components are complaint; will address remaining in Frankfurt based on resource availability) |
| |
Scalability | 1 | 1 |
| |
Manageability | 1 | 1+ (Except logging, all other requirements are met) |
| |
Usability | 1 | 1+ |
API Incoming Dependencies
List the API this project is expecting from other projects. Prior to Release Planning review, Team Leads must agreed on the date by which the API will be fully defined. The API Delivery date must not be later than the release API Freeze date.
Prior to the delivery date, it is a good practice to organize an API review with the API consumers.
API Name | API Description | API Definition Date | API Delivery date | API Definition link (i.e.swagger) |
SDC model distribution API | API for retrieving TOSCA model of close loop | Currently Available | To fill out | Link toward the detailed API description |
Policy Engine | API for retrieving configuration policy updates | Currently Available | Currently Available | NA |
Policy (PDP) | API to push DCAE MS configuration/policy models | Currently Available | Currently Available | |
A&AI | API invoked for information enhancements | Currently Available | Currently Available | |
DMaaP Message Router | API for topic publish / subscribe | Currently Available | Currently Available | |
DMaaP Bus Controller | DMaaP Bus Controller is a part of DMaaP that provides topic provisioning; this is the API for topic provisioning. | Currently Available | Currently Available | |
OOF | PCI Optimization API http://{OOF-host}:{port}/api/oof/v1/pci http://{pcims-host}:{port}/callbackUrl Call back URL for SON-MS (to provide PCI optimization results) | Currently Available | Currently Available | |
ConfigDB | http://{ConfigDB-host/IP}:{port}/SDNCConfigDBAPI/getNbrList/{cellId}/{ts} (Get neighbor list for a cell Id) http://{ConfigDB-host/IP}:{port}/SDNCConfigDBAPI/getPnfName/{cellId}/{ts} (Get the PNF name for a cell Id) | Currently Available | Currently Available |
API Outgoing Dependencies
API this project is delive