OOF-Policy API Enhancement - Instance Level Filtering

OOF-Policy API Enhancement - Instance Level Filtering

New Idea ONE: Context based filtering

We want to be able to include the context in the filtering process for different instances/purposes. Here's providing the subscriber as a sample.

Sample subscriber policy for vCPE service
Subscriber Poilcy sample for vCPE service:
"service": "subscriberPolicy",
"policyName": "OSDF_CASABLANCA.SubscriberPolicy_v1",
"description": "Subscriber Policy for vCPE",
"templateVersion": "OpenSource.version.1",
"version": "test1",
"priority": "1",
"riskType": "test",
"riskLevel": "3",
"guard": "False",
"content": {
"identity": "subscriber_vCPE",
"policyScope": ["vCPE", "subscriberPolicy"],
"properties": {
"subscriberName": ["subscriber_test_1", "subscriber_test_2"],
"subscriberRole": ["test user"],
"provStatus": ["CAPPED"]
"subscriberName": ["subscriber_prod_1", "subscriber_prod_2"],
"subscriberRole": ["prod user"],
"provStatus": ["PROV"]
"policyType": "subscriberPolicy",
"serviceName": "vCPE"

From the subscriber policy, we could find the mapping between the 'subscriberName' and 'subscriberRole'. And in the next step, we 'd like to fetch all the policies that refer to a specific subscriberRole. 

Suppose that currently there're several affinity policies available in the xacml-pdp service.

Sample Affinity policies

Existing Affinity policy sample 1 for vCPE service:

"service": "affinityPolicy",
"policyName": "OSDF_CASABLANCA.Affinity_vCPE_1",
"description": "Zone policy for vCPE",
"templateVersion": "OpenSource.version.1",
"version": "test1",
"priority": "3",
"riskType": "test",
"riskLevel": "2",
"guard": "False",
"content": {
"identity": "affinity_vCPE",
"policyScope": ["vCPE", "US", "ip", "vG", "test user"],
"affinityProperty": {
"qualifier": "same",
"category": "complex"
"policyType": "zone",
"resources": ["vGMuxInfra", "vG"]

Existing Affinity policy sample 2 for vCPE service:

"service": "affinityPolicy",
"policyName": "OSDF_CASABLANCA.Affinity_vCPE_2",
"description": "Zone policy for vCPE",
"templateVersion": "OpenSource.version.1",
"version": "test1",
"priority": "3",
"riskType": "test",
"riskLevel": "2",
"guard": "False",
"content": {
"identity": "affinity_vCPE",
"policyScope": ["vCPE", "INTERNATIONAL", "ip", "vG", "prod user"],
"affinityProperty": {
"qualifier": "same",
"category": "complex"
"policyType": "zone",
"resources": ["vGMuxInfra", "vG"]

Current situation:

In order to fulfill our need, we need the FIRST call to policy to fetch subscriberPolicy for a particular service/scope.

We may do it like this way:

# The legacy way
"policyName": "OSDF_CASABLANCA.*",
"configAttributes": {"policyScope": "["vCPE", "subscriberPolicy"]"}
# Maybe the new decision like this:
  "ONAPName": "OOF",
  "ONAPComponent": "OOF-component",
  "ONAPInstance": "OOF-component-instance",
  "action": "optimize",
  "resource": {
      "services": ["vCPE"],
      "policyType": "subscriberPolicy" }}

Now, say if subscriberName = "subscriber_test_1" which is an instance/request specific data and based on which the corresponding subscriberRole is evaluated. i.e "test user" in this case.
Then, we need a SECOND call to policy to fetch the affinityPolicy based on subscriberRole evaluated as above.

# The legacy way
"policyName": "OSDF_CASABLANCA.*",
"configAttributes": {"policyScope": "["vCPE", "US", "ip", "vG", "test user"]"}
# Maybe the new decision like this:
  "ONAPName": "OOF",
  "ONAPComponent": "OOF-component",
  "ONAPInstance": "OOF-component-instance",
  "action": "optimize",
  "resource": {
      "services": ["vCPE"],
      "geography": ["US", "ip"],
      "resources": ["vG"],
      "subscriberRole": ["test user"] #This is just an assumption here.

Similarly, for subscriberName = "subscriber_prod_1" or "subscriber_prod_2", subscriberRole will be = "prod user", and the second call to policy would be like as:

# The legacy way
"policyName": "OSDF_CASABLANCA.*",
"configAttributes": {"policyScope": "["vCPE", "INTERNATIONAL", "ip", "vG", "prod user"]"}
# Maybe the new decision like this:
  "ONAPName": "OOF",
  "ONAPComponent": "OOF-component",
  "ONAPInstance": "OOF-component-instance",
  "action": "optimize",
  "resource": {
      "services": ["vCPE"],
      "geography": ["INTERNATIONAL", "ip"],
      "resources": ["vG"],
      "subscriberRole": ["prod user"] #This is just an assumption here.


- is there any possible way out to push the decision making to policy engine, specifically on "which policies apply to a given instance", instead of the two-step fetch and filter process ? Which means the Policy engine would help us find out the first mapping relevant to the context and fetch the policies based on the attribute it bind to. 

Example 1:

# The original input OOF gives:

POST /pdpx/v1/decision/
  "ONAPName": "OOF",
  "ONAPComponent": "OOF-component",
  "ONAPInstance": "OOF-component-instance",
  "action": "optimize",
  "resource": {
      "services": ["vCPE"],
      "geography": ["US"],
      "resources": ["vG"],
      "context": "subscriber_test_1",  #This is just an assumption here.
      "policyType": "subscriberPolicy" #This is just an assumption here.

Policy will help us transfer to a request like this:

POST /pdpx/v1/decision/
  "ONAPName": "OOF",
  "ONAPComponent": "OOF-component",
  "ONAPInstance": "OOF-component-instance",
  "action": "optimize",
  "resource": {
      "services": ["vCPE"],
      "geography": ["US"],
      "resources": ["vG"],
      "subscriberRole": ["test user"] #This is just an assumption here.

Example 2:

# The original input OOF gives:

POST /pdpx/v1/decision/
  "ONAPName": "OOF",
  "ONAPComponent": "OOF-component",
  "ONAPInstance": "OOF-component-instance",
  "action": "optimize",
  "resource": {
      "services": ["vCPE"],
      "geography": ["INTERNATIONAL"],
      "resources": ["vG"],
      "context": "subscriber_prod_1",  #This is just an assumption here.
      "policyType": "subscriberPolicy" #This is just an assumption here.

Policy will help us transfer to a request like this:

POST /pdpx/v1/decision/
  "ONAPName": "OOF",
  "ONAPComponent": "OOF-component",
  "ONAPInstance": "OOF-component-instance",
  "action": "optimize",
  "resource": {
      "services": ["vCPE"],
      "geography": ["INTERNATIONAL"],
      "resources": ["vG"],
      "subscriberRole": ["prod user"] #This is just an assumption here.