VNF SDK Frankfurt Backlog & User Stories
Scratchpad for Frankfurt planning. Add unprioritized backlog items and user stories here. We will discuss collectively during VNFSDK team meetings.
Release 6 Mission:
Support LCM Testing for LFN MVP working group and Badging
Enhancement of VNF SDK VNF Test Platform Portal
Better integration with SDC
VES Agent enhancement & docs update
PNF Usecase support
ETSI Standard Alignment support
CVC/CNTT/OVP support
Package Tool
Pkgtools: upgrade the python version from python2 to python3.? need more information from community. VNFSDK-419: pkgtools: support python 3Closed
pkgtools: support new SOL004 spec, v2.6.1 (could target for Frankfurt) VNFSDK-420: pkgtools: support new SOL004 spec version 2.6.1Closed
OVP VNF onboard testing: test for HPA grammar & schema validation (target for Frankfurt) VNFSDK-421: OVP VNF testing: test for HPA grammar & schema in the onboarding tosca templateClosed
Python 3 / Java 11 Migration
User Stories
Use VNFSDK for LFN Validtion testing (package syntax testing)
The operator uses VNFSDK for vendor engagement/acceptance testing (includes onboarding testing and/or operator-developed tests)
3rd party lab uses VNFSDK for extended VNF testing (may include functional, non-functional, and/or performance testing - tests developed by 3rd party labs)
Backlog Items
VES V7.0 C++ Implementation
TOSCA Grammar Validation
Integrate VNFSDK into CI/CD Tool Chain
Pkgtools: upgrade the python version from python2 to python3.? need more information from community. VNFSDK-419: pkgtools: support python 3Closed
pkgtools: support new SOL004 spec, v2.6.1 (could target for Frankfurt) VNFSDK-420: pkgtools: support new SOL004 spec version 2.6.1Closed
OVP VNF onboard testing: test for HPA grammar & schema validation (target for Frankfurt) VNFSDK-421: OVP VNF testing: test for HPA grammar & schema in the onboarding tosca templateClosed
Other potential considerations?
PNF onboarding support
generic netconf server module for VNFs?
K8s VNFs?
HEAT→TOSCA migration tool?
Image management/distribution (image upload to deploy VNFs)
quarantine area
separate from what happens after onboarding
includes model changes
Data model changes (boot disk, HPA format clarification, (deployment flavor support))
Security (discuss with SEC and ARC)
Support ONAP extensions in VNF descriptor